Is Resilience the Secret to Being Happy at Work?

 No doubt. Resilience and contentedness…Is Resilience the Secret to Being Happy at Work?There are three main qualities of resilience.Challenge: Resilient individuals view adversity as a challenge and opportunity to learn, not a permanent situation or reflection of their self-worth.Commitment: Those of a resilient mindset have personal and professional goals, and stick with them. They maintain contact with people and participate in [...]

Cuando la carrera cobra más importancia que el destino

~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry; Tierra de los hombres, 1939"El uso de una herramienta inteligente no te ha convertido en un aburrido técnico. Me parece que esos que tanto se espantan de nuestros progresos confunden el fin con los medios. En efecto, quien siembra con la única esperanza de lograr bienes materiales no logra nada por lo [...]

Co-workers and makers: New public policies and corporate strategies for the city

LSE Business Review – Co-workers and makers: New public policies and corporate strategies for the cityOur seven propositions to make communities more open, sustainable and inclusive:More emphasis should be put on ‘infra-organisations’, i.e. transparent platforms designed for independent entities to share identity and governance.‘Infra-organisations’ provide infrastructural services without searching for the increasing returns likely to lead to a [...]

The Craftsman Approach: Master Your Work Through Deliberate Practice

via @zapierAs discussed earlier, mastery will not only increase your skill, but will improve your motivation, as well as provide a sense of purpose and meaning in even the most boring industry. The Craftsman Approach: Master Your Work Through Deliberate PracticeRegardless of your industry or profession, it is possible to pursue mastery. Better yet, it's highly [...]

Critical Thinking Gaps ~ Future of CIO

Critical Thinking Gaps ~ Future of CIOThe gap between proactive thinking and passive thinkingThe gaps between impoverished thinking and resourceful/ imaginable thinkingThe gaps between convenience thinking and mindful thinkingDue to the hyperconnected and over-complex nature of Digital era, it is time to fill the critical thinking gaps, and think more profoundly. The real critical thinking [...]

2017-01-15T09:11:00+01:00January 15th, 2017|el critico como artista, filosofía|

Juan Arnau: “La transformación social también tiene que ser interior”

No puedes nadar y guardar la ropa.El siglo XX europeo se entretuvo demasiado con las filosofías del lamento (existencialistas) y las filosofías del lenguaje (analíticas). Es hora ya de acometer una filosofía de la percepción, una filosofía que aborde la cuestión de la sensibilidad, centrándose en el modo de ejercerla, de vivir sumergidos en ellaJuan Arnau: [...]

2016-08-07T11:17:00+02:00August 7th, 2016|filosofía|

Zygmunt Bauman: “Las redes sociales son una trampa”

 El poder se ha globalizado pero las políticas son tan locales como antes.Zygmunt Bauman: “Las redes sociales son una trampa” | Babelia | EL PAÍS…el diálogo real no es hablar con gente que piensa lo mismo que tú. Las redes sociales no enseñan a dialogar porque es tan fácil evitar la controversia…  Mucha gente usa [...]

Del Capitalismo al Capital-humanismo

En definitiva, desarrollar valores, pensamientos, sentimientos, así como políticas, procesos y procedimientos que alineen los legítimos derechos, libertades y desafíos empresariales con los también legítimos derechos, libertades y retos sociales.Growth Management: Del Capitalismo al Capital-humanismo | Ignacio BernabéPor todo lo visto, el Growth Management recoge las bases, objetivos y fundamentos del Capital-humanismo para alcanzar un [...]

2015-12-09T13:56:00+01:00December 9th, 2015|filosofía, gestión, ideas|

Mindfulness in Modern Times

Buddhism and the Brain: Mindfulness in Modern Times | Big ThinkI’m very concerned with what I would call a decontextualized — or maybe the proper word would be recontextualized — consumerist notion of mindfulness, where mindfulness is about paying attention non-judgmentally in the present moment. That gets framed in terms of paying attention non-judgmentally in [...]

2015-07-31T17:24:00+02:00July 31st, 2015|filosofía, ideas, psicología, tendencias|
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