Los empresarios son optimistas: el 75% cree que la economía crecerá este año (informe de @pwc_spain via @Economia_3)

…el 70% de los encuestados percibía con preocupación la situación a finales de 2022; ese porcentaje, ha caído drásticamente al 21% durante el primer trimestre del año… Origen: Economia 3 – Los empresarios son optimistas: el 75% cree que la economía crecerá este año Los empresarios y académicos españoles son cada vez más optimistas: el [...]

Manifesto for the Data-Informed – by Julie Zhuo @juolee

Why is the promise of big data so much better than the reality? Data has been extolled as the vanquisher of uncertainty, the harbinger of a robotic future, a necessity in every role from product management to engineering, sales to design. Origen: Manifesto for the Data-Informed | by Julie Zhuo | Medium Yet many of [...]

Digital nomad visas by @wef

any non-EU citizen could apply for a special visa to work in Spain as a digital nomad for up to five years. They will need to have lived outside Spain for at least five years to qualify.   Origen: Spain is the latest country to consider digital nomad visas | World Economic Forum   Why [...]

Empathy in Product Management (by @romanpichler)

What is Empathy and What is It Not? Empathy is our capacity to understand other people’s feelings and needs, to take the perspective of another person. Empathy entails a warm-hearted, open, and kind attitude. This does not mean, though, that you must like the other person and that you must be happy and smiley all [...]

El ¿alto? salario de los desarrolladores no es una burbuja, solo la realidad (@david_bonilla)

Una interesante primera parte de #labonilista sobre el salario de los programadores. El COVID no ha hecho más que acelerar las cosas, imponiendo a las empresas una digitalización y —sobre todo— una deslocalización a marchas forzadas, pero todo este ruido no debe impedirnos ver la imparable tendencia que hay detrás: cada año hacen falta más programadores y cada [...]

The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It? by @oreillymedia

Understanding four trends that may shape the future of Silicon Valley is also a road map to some of the biggest technology-enabled opportunities of the next decades: Consumer internet entrepreneurs lack many of the skills needed for the life sciences revolution. Internet regulation is upon us. Climate response is capital intensive, and inherently local. The [...]

Análisis de la economía valenciana y el sistema valenciano de innovación

A continuación, un extracto de las conclusiones del diagnóstico en el contexto actual del análisis de la economía valenciana y el sistema valenciano de innovación (pdf) para 2021. Los énfasis son míos ;-)   Los sectores que más destacan en la estructura productiva son servicios tradicionales —comercio, transporte y hostelería— industrias de bienes de consumo, como [...]

Corporate innovation in the entrepreneurial age (a @dealroomco report)

In summary. Nearly everything’s about software (except handbags and champagne) Scale is a commodity. Competition is about entrepreneurship Talent is flocking to startups. And startups are built from anywhere More than ever, corporates would benefit from partnering with startups, and strong ties with entrepreneurial ecosystems Origin: pdf report   The tech boom: tech companies globally [...]

Solving VC’s ESG Puzzle, by @gabekleinman 

The reason VC’s are gaining ESG altitude is simple: institutional investors and family offices are now leaning in. Origen: Solving VC’s ESG Puzzle. Upstream investment strategy remains… | by Gabe Kleinman | May, 2021 | World Positive Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) standards are having a moment with climate change (and climate risk), broad socioeconomic [...]

Diseccionando unicornios: mitos vs. realidades; by @SamuelGil 

Todos sabemos que la valoración no es la única ni quizás la mejor métrica para definir el éxito de una empresa. Pero, ante la ausencia de datos sobre ingresos, beneficios o impacto social, parece un proxy razonable. Samuel resume magníficamente, no te pierdas sus conclusiones, el libro Super Founders: What Data Reveals About Billion-Dollar Startups de [...]

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