Culture is Not an Endless Series of Perks

Via @OpenViewVenture This Company Thinks Everyone Should Love Going to Work Every Day. Here’s Their Plan to Make It Happen.The few levers companies need to pull in order to build a strong culture fall into three main categories:1. Appreciation & Recognition2. Friendship3. MeaningDetermining When to Reinforce CultureStarting at around 200 employees, companies are at an inflection point [...]

Cómo tratar a las personas y obtener los mejores resultados

…magnífico @vorpalina como tantas veces.Cómo tratar a las personas y obtener los mejores resultados | iniciativa vorpalinaA considerar:Toda persona sin excepción siempre lo esToda persona es el resultado de lo que hace de forma repetida y de las personas que le rodeanToda persona busca sentirse sinceramente valoradaToda persona necesita tu confianza y confiar en tíA [...]

10 claves para crear equipos de trabajo excelentes

 por @JALacoste 10 claves para crear equipos de trabajo excelentes1. Sea apasionado y comparta la visión. 2. Pregúntele a los candidatos y empleados actuales lo que desean.3. Deles algo que sus amigos en otras empresas no estén recibiendo.4. Comuníquese ampliamente con ellos. 5. Diga GRACIAS. Y cuanto más, mejor. 6. Sepa los nombres de todo el mundo y lo que ellos hacen.7. Trabaje CON y no [...]

No te sientas (tan) mal si el trabajo domina tu vida

 tampoco dejes de intentar arreglarlo…We don’t realise to what an extent our feelings are guided by our sense of what is normal and of what we should expect from others. We are highly flexible creatures, but with a generally strong desire to fit in. There are many ways we could be living fine – if [...]

claves para el entrenamiento del pensamiento propio

Porque el criterio propio ayuda a conquistar ese territorio perdido por la sociedad de consumo recuperando lo que denomino derecho de sitio.@vorpalina claves para el entrenamiento del pensamiento propio | iniciativa vorpalinaHABILIDADES PARA EL ENTRENAMIENTO DEL CRITERIO PROPIO. ENTRENAR:EL SENTIDOLA AUTOAFIRMACIÓNLA PERSISTENCIALA PRESENCIALA ACEPTACIÓNLA RESPONSABILIDADLA AUTOCRÍTICAEL APRENDIZAJELA CERTEZALA COMPASIÓN

How to Manage a Team of B Players (spoiler: being an A Leader)

How to Manage a Team of B Players - HBRAlthough effective leaders can have a wide variety of styles, they do tend to share some common personality characteristics. First, they have better judgment than their counterparts, meaning they can make good decisions, learn from experience, and avoid repeating mistakes. Second, they have higher EQ, which [...]

2015-07-19T11:03:00+02:00July 19th, 2015|coaching, eficiencia, gestión|

Is Remote Working Good For Business?

Is Remote Working Good For Business?Businesses with remote teams don’t have the luxury of as much face time as others, which is why they have to work harder to create strong cultures. …Culture is about understanding:Your values, vision and aims;The values and personal / professional goals of your team;How every decision helps or harms the [...]

How to Overcome the Midday Slump – HBR

How to Overcome the Midday Slump - HBRDo:Meditate or perform breathing exercises when you start to feel your energy wane.Put down your device an hour before you go to bed, and try to get 7-8 hours of sleep on a regular basis.Use music to motivate and energize.Don’t:Tackle important or creative tasks during lulls — save [...]

2015-07-04T08:15:00+02:00July 4th, 2015|eficiencia|

You Are What You Read: Why Managing Your Inputs is a Crucial Part of Productivity

@zapierToo much poor information distracts you from what you're focusing on, making you think other items are more important than they are. That confusion in turn makes it harder to finalize decisions, keeping you running in circles, constantly changing priorities.You Are What You Read: Why Managing Your Inputs is a Crucial Part of ProductivitySeven Problems [...]

2015-04-15T22:11:00+02:00April 15th, 2015|eficiencia, gestión, lecturas|
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