Is globalisation over? (by @knightfrank)

Back in March I claimed in The Wealth Report that the wealthy were choosing globalisation as an investment strategy. This was evidenced through expanding demand for international property and diversified portfolios as well as by burgeoning demand for global citizenship. Origen: Is globalisation over?   Almost as soon as we published the report the world [...]

Entrevista a Ricardo Pérez-Marco por @joantubau > las matemáticas del bitcoin

Criptoanarquismo… Me ha parecido super interesante, especialmente del minuto 20 a… 50 y desde 1h:02min hasta 01:30 aprox y de la hora 49 minutos en adelante… Origen: K19. Ricardo Pérez-Marco. Las matemáticas del bitcoin   Índice: 0.28. ¿Qué problema tiene Taleb con el bitcoin? 2.48. «Las matemáticas mal entendidas son un invento del diablo». 21.30. John [...]

5 tipos de consumidores españoles (by @ThinkGoogleES)

En esta nueva edición de "El consumidor ante la recuperación” hemos analizado el impacto de la pandemia en los consumidores. Hablamos de sus hábitos, su estado emocional y su comportamiento. Origen: 5 tipos de consumidores españoles - Think with Google 1 El consumidor empoderado 23% de los españoles en la actualidad, son los que tienen [...]

Avoid these 5 investment blunders during a crisis

Top 5 common blunders that investors may encounter during a crisis. Origen: Avoid these 5 investment blunders during a crisis   Mistake 1:  “Let’s sell for now and wait for the dust to settle.”    The equivalent for cash-rich investors would be “Let’s keep the cash and wait for the dust to settle”. The S&P500 [...]

El ¿alto? salario de los desarrolladores no es una burbuja, solo la realidad (@david_bonilla)

Una interesante primera parte de #labonilista sobre el salario de los programadores. El COVID no ha hecho más que acelerar las cosas, imponiendo a las empresas una digitalización y —sobre todo— una deslocalización a marchas forzadas, pero todo este ruido no debe impedirnos ver la imparable tendencia que hay detrás: cada año hacen falta más programadores y cada [...]

Advancing precision medicine through agile governance (by @BrookingsInst via @wef )

Leveraging the latest technologies to improve treatment regimens, store patient data, and track outcomes is essential for a country to reach their healthcare goals amidst changing environmental, economic, and social conditions. Precision medicine uses personal information, such as DNA sequences, to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease. From targeting late-stage cancers to curing rare genetic diseases, [...]

Secular Outlook 2022 – A major inflection point by @juliusbaer 

What are the key trends that will shape the economy and markets this decade? Origen: Secular Outlook 2022 – A major inflection point Pinpointing trends This year, the identification of structural forces has proved to be even more challenging than usual. We are at an important inflection point, at the tail end of four decades [...]

Global Innovation Index 2021: Which are the most innovative countries?

Release of the Global Innovation Index 2021 Origen: Global Innovation Index 2021: Which are the most innovative countries?   The GII 2021 finds that Scientific output, expenditures in R&D, intellectual property filings and venture capital (VC) deals continued to grow in 2020, building on strong pre-crisis performance. The top global corporate R&D spenders increased their [...]

The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It? by @oreillymedia

Understanding four trends that may shape the future of Silicon Valley is also a road map to some of the biggest technology-enabled opportunities of the next decades: Consumer internet entrepreneurs lack many of the skills needed for the life sciences revolution. Internet regulation is upon us. Climate response is capital intensive, and inherently local. The [...]

Análisis de la economía valenciana y el sistema valenciano de innovación

A continuación, un extracto de las conclusiones del diagnóstico en el contexto actual del análisis de la economía valenciana y el sistema valenciano de innovación (pdf) para 2021. Los énfasis son míos ;-)   Los sectores que más destacan en la estructura productiva son servicios tradicionales —comercio, transporte y hostelería— industrias de bienes de consumo, como [...]

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