Abundance… Why the World Is Better Than Ever & Will Get Better Still

Why the World Is Better Than Ever—and Will Get Better StillIn the last hundred years, we’ve seen the average human life expectancy nearly double, the global GDP per capita rise exponentially, and childhood mortality drop 10-fold.…“In the hands of smart and driven innovators, science and technology take things which were once scarce and make them abundant and accessible to [...]

Lecciones aprendidas emprendiendo

 por Francisco J. Martín ( @aficionado ) fundador de @bigmlcomFrancisco inició su carrera como becario del MEC en el departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación de la UPV y después en el Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).En 1999 fundó iSOCO-Intelligent Software Components, uno de los primeros spin-offs del CSIC.En [...]

How to Take a Full-Page Screenshot (with Chrome)

by @zapier How to Take a Full-Page ScreenshotStart by using the shortcut pairs below—enter the first shortcut, followed by the second—depending on your operating system:On Mac1. Alt + Command + I2. Command + Shift + POn Windows/Linux/Chrome OS1. Ctrl + Shift + I2. Ctrl + Shift + PThese keyboard shortcuts will open Chrome's developer menu. Just type "screenshot" and you'll see the option appear to "capture full size screenshot." Simply select this and Chrome will automatically [...]

How to Unlock Insightful Conversation

6 Tips from IDEO Designers on How to Unlock Insightful Conversation - IDEO U1. Always say yes to an offer. Whether the other person offers you a glass of water, snacks, or even a tour of their home, you should always accept.2. Wear generic clothing. Oftentimes, clothing can communicate social status, or reflect personal taste [...]

The Scale Fallacy

The Scale Fallacy (And How I Learned the Value of Success That Was Steady, Not Spectacular)Services businesses don’t scale because they are based on manpower: to double your revenue, you need to double the hours worked. Unless there is unused capacity, that means doubling the size of your team. And that’s just to achieve 2x [...]

Step aside Silicon Valley, there is a new tech hub in town

Step aside Silicon Valley, there is a new tech hub in town | World Economic ForumDeep tech accounted for $1.3 billion of European venture investments in 2015, delivered in 82 rounds, up from $289 million, delivered in 55 rounds, in 2011.Europe’s traditional industries are now awakening to tech. Two-thirds of Europe’s largest corporates by market [...]

La empresa en la que creo

 @sintetia Cadenas de inspiración …  como dice Xavier Marcet en el artículo, rindamos homenaje a los buenos.Al menos a los que creemos que son buenos… que puede ser algo así (en sus palabras):Pero en las organizaciones hay muchas personas fantásticas, gente que nos hace sentir especiales por pertenecer a comunidades de las que vale la pena participar. [...]

Sala de (Reuniones) Decisiones

 via @sintetia – Reunir y decidir, esa es la cuestión por @fabadiabadenas– ¡Cielos! ¿No se lo han explicado?– No.– El soberano jamás ofrece a un Primer Ministro un refresco ni una silla. El precedente lo estableció su Tatarabuela al mantenernos de pie como Ayudas de Cámara. Perder el tiempo es un pecado mortal. Si algo he aprendido en cincuenta [...]

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