What Is Resilience? by Brian Walker – Project Syndicate

"…the capacity of a system to absorb disturbance, re-organize, and keep functioning in much the same way as before. :"What Is Resilience? by Brian Walker - Project SyndicateA high degree of diversity, especially response diversity (different ways of doing the same thing, often mistakenly thought of as “redundancy”).A relatively modular structure that does not over-connect [...]

On “Geek” Versus “Nerd”

On “Geek” Versus “Nerd” | Slackpropagation"… ConclusionIn broad strokes, it seems to me that geeky words are more about stuff (e.g., “#stuff”), while nerdy words are more about ideas (e.g., “hypothesis”). Geeks are fans, and fans collect stuff; nerds are practitioners, and practitioners play with ideas. Of course, geeks can collect ideas and nerds play with [...]

Top Billionaire Art Collectors – Business Insider

Top Billionaire Art Collectors - Business Insider#10 Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr, CEO de Advance Publications (Condé Nast entre otras)#9 Leon Black, fundador de Apollo Global Management#8 Doris F Fisher, empezó The Gap#7 Norman L Braman, distribuidor de coches#6 Nasser David Khalili, magnate de las propiedades#5 François Pinault, CEO de PPR, lo que era Pinault-Printemps-Redout#4 Boris [...]

Minimalizar el Consumo no es lo mismo que Minimizarlo | Mínimum Opus

Minimalizar el Consumo no es lo mismo que Minimizarlo | Mínimum Opus"… De poco sirven los experimentos de los cien objetos, los ejercicios de mindfulness, aprender a manejar la avalancha informativa, o cualquier otra técnica de las que tanto hablamos en la blogsfera minimalista si la mayor parte del día la pasas sentado en un cubículo [...]

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