Portal Economics by @future_crunch

We’re not going back to normal. Origin: Future Crunch - Portal Economics   Part 1   &   Part 2 When this is all over, we’ll take longer walks, watch our parents read to their grandchildren, laugh at our friends, and never take hugs for granted again. The uncomfortable truth though, is that as this first wave [...]

Robots aren’t taking our jobs –they’re becoming our bosses– by @verge via @exponentialview

This is not the future we were looking for. This why UBI will become a need, as no human would allow another human the job conditions the system seems to be bringing in. If industries are able to produce more efficiently without the costs of workers, their taxes would allow for a universal basic income. [...]

The Global Risks report – 2019 y 2020 (vía @igobernanzaemp )

En septiembre 2019 asistí a un coloquio organizado por el instituto de Gobernanza Empresarial, en la que José María Carulla, Head of Client Advisory Services Iberia de Marsh Risk Consulting nos presentaba un interesantísimo resumen del análisis de riesgos que presentaron en Davos en enero de 2019. De una parte el trabajo y de otra [...]

Consejos de Administración y Consejos Asesores via @SamuelGil e @igobernanzaemp

Hace algo más de un año finalizamos la 5ª promoción de la Acreditación Internacional en Consejos de Administración y Buen Gobierno, organizado por el instituto de gobernanza empresarial (iGE) vía la Universidad Europea. El postgrado se orienta principalmente a la formación de consejeros, principalmente para consejos de administración, pero se abre un campo de aplicación mucho [...]

“I really want to be able to use this for mail while sitting on the toilet” ~Steve Jobs | appletalk:entremaqueros

Origen: “I really want to be able to use this for mail while sitting on the toilet” ~Steve Jobs | appletalk:entremaqueros The story of the iPad goes way back beyond before the phone. It started out as this project called Q79. Q79 was the product that was built around multitouch exploration. So we were, at [...]

How Will You Measure Your Life? ( @HarvardBiz )

Your decisions about allocating your personal time, energy, and talent ultimately shape your life’s strategy. "No me da la vida" Origen: HBR – How Will You Measure Your Life? (by Clayton M. Christensen) I have a bunch of “businesses” that compete for these resources… And I have exactly the same problem that a corporation does. [...]

💭 The real reason tech companies want regulation – ( by @azeem in @ExponentialView )

The world’s largest tech companies have started to clamour for regulation in this hugely under-regulated sector. Origen: 💭 The real reason tech companies want regulation - Exponential View The tech industry got a speed-up with the Intel 4004 processor, launched in 1972. This was contemporaneous with American right-leaning economists launching a sustained attack on the [...]

Welcome to Apple, a one-party state. Part II: Apple’s constitution

Jobs had previously articulated his vision in more detail. In what is considered one of Apple’s founding documents, a memo sent out in September 1981 set out 12 values. These included: “We are all in it together, win or lose”; “We will set aggressive goals”; and “One person, one computer”. The only value that reflected [...]

Phases Product Teams Go Through, From Product/Market Fit to Hypergrowth (by @nikhyl via @firstround )

The ability to iterate on something until it works is underrated. …a PM who’s taken a product from version two to eight at a smaller startup, vs. someone who’s worked at scale, but only shipped initial versions and then moved on. Origen: The Phases Product Teams Go Through, From Product/Market Fit to Hypergrowth | First [...]

Six Reasons Why iOS 13 and Catalina Are So Buggy ( @TidBITS )

Vía uno de los muy sabios integrantes (nro tech) de la lista de correo Lista de Soluciones Planeta Mac, una interesante entrada, en inglés, sobre cómo gestiona Apple sus bugs. Es tan interesante, que me parece que merece más estar en este blog que mantengo sobre cuestiones más profesionales, que en el que mantengo sobre [...]

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