The Future of Venture Capital – A White Paper | Rubicon Venture Capital

 Author's key views:VCs must create and structure their investment firms to add value to the startup far beyond the cash invested. The old model of just invest and join the board is not enough anymore. Rest in Peace (RIP) old VC model.The big VCs got much bigger, the mid-sized VCs died out and a large [...]

Platón, el propósito y los beneficios…

To explain “how great companies have great purposes,” the authors of CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM draw connections between Plato’s take on transcendental philosophy and modern-day brand strategy.Plato. Purpose. Profits. - Brand Autopsybrand ideal #1 : The GoodPlato believed the power of The Good happens when people are in service to others by expressing love, compassion, and empathy. Flipped to [...]

When Peter Thiel, the man behind PayPal and Facebook talks, we listen

blog.newhaircut.com1. If you didn’t create Google, you aren’t going toToday’s Larry Page isn’t working on a search engine and Steve Job’s counterpart isn’t working on personal computer, says Thiel, who writes about huge, singular achievements and what we can learn from them, rather than how we can copy them, to become as successful as possible. [...]

La pérdida de energía que supone no fiarse de las personas con las que interactuamos

Hoy en el mercado, evita comprar limones | marketingstormingUtilizando una bonita metáfora de una jam-session en la que un grupo de músicos de jazz  a pesar de no conocerse son capaces de improvisar un magnífico recital, Mills-Scofield habla de la pérdida de energía que supone no fiarse de las personas con las que interactuamos.La no confianza [...]

Pues siempre he dicho que no es necesario ser amigo de tus compañeros…

…pero quizá dependa del tipo de actividad ¿no?La verdad es que si bien siempre he pensado que no hace falta, también he pensado que no tiene porqué ser malo e incluso he hecho amistad con compañeros y me ha resultado "bien".11 Incredible Reasons Why Having Friends At Work Is Important (INFOGRAPHIC)This infographic was crafted with [...]

Envidia Sana vs. Admiración

¿Envidia sana o Admiración? | Coaching 360Si bien la envidia es humana y parece innata, es una actitud/comportamiento aprendido que nos amarga el día a día, nos reduce a la miseria interior y nos desvirtúa en cuanto a lo que somos como personas.La envidia, es fruto de una inseguridad aprendida en el núcleo familiar y/o [...]

innovation, startups and coming too late vs. too soon

@pmarca vía @NewsReputation vía @InmaculadaUrrea… "Analysis" on coming too late vs. too soon:A thing I believe that few believe: Almost all Silicon Valley startup ideas from qualified founders = great ideas. But some are too early.Track startups over multiple decades, what you find is that most ideas do end up working. It's much more a question of [...]

Creating growth clusters: What role for local government?

Creating growth clusters: What role for local government? | McKinsey & Company…To flourish, entrepreneurial activity requires a concentration of talent, infrastructure, capital, and networks—key success factors of a start-up ecosystem……to deal with many stakeholders create the potential for bottlenecks……Policy makers cannot pick winners in such an environment. Instead, they should focus on enabling structures that can [...]

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