9 frameworks to master Product Management (by @firstround)

 #mustread … The best companies are most often built by extraordinary product minds. Even if you’re not a PM right now, you can benefit from adopting the habits and strategies that make talented PMs successful.17 Product Managers Who Will Own the Future of NYC Tech — and the 9 Frameworks They’ll Use to Do It [...]

¿Ha mutado la economía colaborativa en un capitalismo salvaje de plataformas?

 este artículo en El Mundo me ha hecho recordar esta otra entrada en el blog en base a un artículo de HBR.Es un tema sobre el que ya he tenido alguna conversación, siempre defendiendo que compàrtido no me parece exactamente lo que se vende muchas veces… y que merece una reflexión.En cualquier caso merece la [...]

Lecciones aprendidas en @habitissimo

 sesión de @JordiBer en #FactoryStartup de @Startup_VLC y @VITemprendeTendréis que ir a un sesión de Jordi para que os amplíe cada uno de estos titulares:emprender es una estupideztener un plan b por si no salepor qué existe tu negociosi quieres ir (qué intriga, me despisté y este no lo recuerdo)tienes más socios (hacienda)no necesitas inversor, sino [...]

2018-02-02T08:30:00+01:00February 2nd, 2018|cosillas empresariales, start-it-up|

Should You Bet on What The Wealthy Do Today?

by @WillyBraun along and thoughtful post on where to look in search of innovation.Should You Bet on What The Wealthy Do Today? – chronicles – MediumIf you look at what the wealthy do… “scale economies and online efficiencies will combine to keep driving prices down within this business model, and entrepreneurs will soon realise that the middle class [...]

2017-12-08T20:17:00+01:00December 8th, 2017|cosillas empresariales, innovación|

7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For

 @glassdoor "And just say no to places who define “hard work” as 15-hour days and long weekend email threads." 7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For1. The High Turnover OutfitRed flags: Key roles pop up consistently on a company’s job site.2. The Culture Clash CorpRed flags: Negative employee reviews, lack of focus on a true employee [...]

Is Resilience the Secret to Being Happy at Work?

 No doubt. Resilience and contentedness…Is Resilience the Secret to Being Happy at Work?There are three main qualities of resilience.Challenge: Resilient individuals view adversity as a challenge and opportunity to learn, not a permanent situation or reflection of their self-worth.Commitment: Those of a resilient mindset have personal and professional goals, and stick with them. They maintain contact with people and participate in [...]

11 Corporate Habits That Kill Your Company’s Innovation Engine (Strategyzer video)

Replay: 11 Corporate Habits That Kill Your Company's Innovation Engine — StrategyzerCurrent business model dominate the agendaOne-size-fits-all decision making hurts speed & inventivenessInsisting on untested and detailed business plansOpinions and past experience matter more than evidenceOutsourcing customer discovery and testingLack of senior leadership participationObsession of competitors rather than customersPredominant focus on technology risk at the [...]

2017-09-24T10:44:00+02:00September 24th, 2017|cosillas empresariales, gestión, innovación|

How a CEO Tells a Great Story

This Is How a CEO Tells a Great Story | OpenView Labs#1. Name a Big, Relevant Change in the World (1:20)#2. Don’t Proceed Until Your Audience Validates the Change (2:29)#3. Tease Your Promised Land Before Pitching Your Product (2:44)#4. Name the stakes (2:51)#5. Position features as overcoming obstacles to the Promised Land (4:28)

2017-09-23T15:52:00+02:00September 23rd, 2017|cosillas empresariales, marketing|
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