Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
5 Reasons Your Company Should Open Source More Code
It's why your company needs to stop hoarding software that offers no competitive advantage and start sharing. It will help you attract and retain talent which, in turn, will help your company better serve end [...]
Webs que leer…
…según @intercom. De las que se citan, sigo bastantes… pero hay otras muchos a las que no :))What You Read When You're Not Reading Inside Intercom
¿La “economía compartida” sólo es “fachada”?
Harvard Business Review publica The Sharing Economy Isn’t About Sharing at All - HBRY me alegra que lo publique HBR porque parece que refuerza la terrible sensación de que el marketing (en la peor de sus [...]
Currículo “transversal”
@sintetia publica de @arey una interesante entrada: 15 materias que no vas a ver (todavía) en la formación empresarialCon joyas como esta:no se resuelve dando una asignatura llamada “Ética”, sino integrando esos conceptos en todas las [...]
Soy todas mis relaciones
vía @vorpalina ¡vaya si he disfrutado! con la guía lakota de inteligencia relacional | iniciativa vorpalina"Ciertas cosas pueden capturar tu mirada, pero sigue solo a las que puedan capturar tu corazón."~proverbio siouxMITAKUYE OYAS´IN (Soy todas mis [...]
Si uno ya estuviera preparado mentalmente a la idea de estar mojado,
se estaría a fin de cuentas muy poco contrariado con la llegada de la lluvia.Comando Dharma: la actitud durante la tormenta
Desigualdad en el reparto de la riqueza en USA (gráfico animado, 2102)
Aunque ya tenga algo de tiempo, no deja de ser muy interesante…▶ Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube
Espacios de diálogo
vía @vorpalina Cómo construir espacios de diálogo en tu empresa | iniciativa vorpalinaEs ahora cuando renace la gran innovación occidental de la academia (con más de 3000 años de antigüedad).…Desconfiad de todos aquellos que tengan claro [...]
Emotion, Logic and Reason (from Cogito Ergo blog)
Logic is good to a point, incorporate emotion in time, and there is reason.Emotion, Logic and Reason | Cogito ErgoPerhaps the bacteria and virus are biological primal forms that have no emotion or logic. They [...]
The Elevator Speech Guide
…to Pitch Any Idea Instantly–Senator Club#1 Study Your Audience#2 Ask Clarifying Questions#3 Explain the Problem#4 Make an Association#5 Share Your Uniqueness#6 Illustrate the Results#7 Ask for What You Want
Do you have to love what you do?
@jasonfried sparks discussion, like he did years ago with learning from failure is overratedIn part I think he nails it with this new anti-inspirational 😉 post:Do you have to love what you do? by Jason [...]
11 Hacks That Will Help You Focus – Infographic (entrepreneur)
Classical music and pets are helpful, a cluttered desk and an uncomfortable chair are not.Distracted? 11 Hacks That Will Help You Focus. (Infographic)
Lo que debes hacer para lograr ventas fáciles y rápidas
vía @JALacoste Efectivamente, está todo… y nada es fácil ni rápido por cierto.La última es una gran clave para ser capaz de aplicar las demás.Lo que debes hacer para lograr ventas fáciles y rápidas1. Atraer compradores [...]
10 great NYC museums you didn’t know were free
No es que vaya mucho a Nueva York, pero creo que será buena idea prepararse "just in case"10 great NYC museums you didn't know were free - Freelancers Union
A veces un puro es solamente un puro. (S. Freud)
@vorpalina "casi siempre las cosas son tal y como son y que lo único que las hace parecer diferentes es nuestro complicado y complicador cerebro."En la medida en que intento comprender las creencias de los otros, [...]
El zen no intenta confundir la espiritualidad con pensar sobre Dios…
… mientras se pelan las patatas. La espiritualidad zen es sólo pelar las patatas.:-))100 años de Alan Watts: la lucidez del pop zen – Pijamasurf:“La mayor parte de la actividad humana está diseñada para hacer [...]
Este es el deseo del amado por los dioses: “que todas las comunidades sean muy instruidas y tolerantes”
Un día difícil para publicar esto…Comando Dharma: ecumenismo y no violencia (Ashoka el emperador Budista)…una base común para las religiones debería ser el apartarse de la glorificación de la tradición propìa y de la crítica [...]
Resiliencia inteligente
It’s Not Them. It’s You. – The Sales BlogAchieving the outcome you need by persisting is a critical attribute for people who succeed. But doing so without changing your approach isn’t.You provide a stimulus. You receive a [...]
The Psychology of Colour
en The School of LifeYellow: hopeOrange: vitalityLight red: adventureDark red: powerDark green: realismLight brown: mellownessDark brown: dignityBlack: authorityViolet: ambiguityLight blue: clarityDark blue: disciplineLight green: sanity
An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth
😮 "Don’t be cool. Cool is conservative fear dressed in black."An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth → Manifesto ProjectManifesto ProjectAllow events to change you.Forget about good.Process is more important than outcome.Love your experiments (as you would [...]
Signs That You Lack Emotional Intelligence
You think being liked at work is overrated. Harvard Business Review – Signs That You Lack Emotional IntelligenceHere are some of the telltale signs that you need to work on your emotional intelligence:You often feel like [...]
Nuevo arte, nuevos artistas, nuevo renacimiento & freelancers
Mi media naranja está en una etapa compleja… licenciada en Bellas Artes el pasado junio (2014), se abre una etapa de definir qué quiere hacer; con increíbles capacidades para la venta (a lo que se [...]
It was the changed Steve that made Apple great…
not that guy ("bad boy Steve").A candid conversation with Pixar's philosopher-king, Ed CatmullThe thing that the general public has missed is that there is a perception of “bad boy Steve” when he was younger and [...]
Ten muy presente que tu enfoque determina tu realidad.
Comando Dharma: Maestro Yoda-“Vive el momento, no pienses; siente, utiliza tu instinto, siente La Fuerza.” -“Caminos a la victoria hay, distintos que aplastar a un enemigo.” -“La muerte una parte natural de la vida es. Regocíjate por [...]
How AI is beating (or not) Humanity at its own game
via Rise of the Machines - How AI is Beating Humanity At its Own Game -:infographic by VegasSlotsOnline.com
Resumen–comentario de “Tecnología vs Humanidad” (por @respla para @sintetia)
UPDATED: Nuevos comentarios de @respla ( https://www.sintetia.com/tecnologia-vs-humanidad-de-gerd-leonhard-con-o-contra-ii/ ) autor de la entrada que resumo a cotinuación.2ª y última actualización para aportar el cierre de las consideraciones de @respla sobre el libro "Tecnología vs Humanidad" de [...]
Compassion & Technology and the Life of the Buddha (from @singularityunl)
“Our earth will eventually disappear, our sun will disappear, even our galaxy will ultimately disappear, so it’s unrealistic to think we will avoid death.”https://singularityuthenetherlands.org/news/compassion-technology-and-the-life-of-the-buddha-at-the-nieuwe-kerk/…asked about how technology and compassion could be of help to other [...]
A manifesto for renewing liberalism (by @TheEconomist)
via @jorgecortell A manifesto for renewing liberalism – The Economistreinvention is always a good idea in my opinionLiberalism made the modern world, but the modern world is turning against it. Europe and America are in the [...]
It’s learning. Just not as we know it. (by @accenture)
Skills Gap in the Future Workforce | Accenture“We still talk about a knowledge economy, but the reality is that the world is moving beyond it. What we have now is an innovation economy. Knowledge has [...]
China Is Quickly Becoming an AI Superpower (by @singularityhub)
Propelled by an abundance of government funds, smart infrastructure overhauls, leading AI research, and some of the world’s most driven entrepreneurs, China’s AI ecosystem is unstoppable.China Is Quickly Becoming an AI SuperpowerAs discussed by Kai-Fu [...]
The Startup vs Enterprise QUEST (by @saranormous via @greylockvc)
Startups Serving The Enterprise: – Greylock PerspectivesBuilding strong partnerships and capabilities means that getting out of the marketing swamp, through the winds of cost and risk, across the enterprise feasibility gap, through the desert of [...]
With Greed and Cynicism, Big Tech is Fueling Inequalities in America (by @filloux)
With Greed and Cynicism, Big Tech is Fueling Inequalities in America – Monday Note, Frederic Filloux…In the end, local taxpayers will subsidize Amazon shareholders…Hi-tech firms are prominent among recent tax-break “megadeals” awarded by cities and [...]
5 online-luxury-fashion trends (by @forbes via @wealthx)
What Farfetch's IPO Filing Says About The $300 Billion Luxury Fashion Industry – Wealth-X1. By 2025, luxury fashion e-commerce will have a quarter of the industry's market share. Industrywide, online’s share of the personal luxury goods market [...]