Entradas seleccionadas

“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan

Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño

La ¿nueva? educación

¿Individualismo colectivo? 😮

Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado

¿Qué es eso de COO?

Habilidades para la vida actual

Etica empresarial ¿necesaria sólo por RSC?

Cámara de Valencia: Outsourcing de marketing, qué es y qué ventajas tiene | TicNegocios

December 9th, 2017|Sin categoría|

Origen: Outsourcing marketing: Qué es y que ventajas tiene | TicNegocios LAS VENTAJAS DEL OUTSOURCING DEL MARKETING Rentabilidad Ahorro Profesionalidad Experiencia Reacción rápida Menor riesgo empresarial Flexibilidad y aportaciones constantes Formación en innovación tecnológica a [...]

The Simple Secret To A High-Performing Team

October 24th, 2017|cosillas empresariales, curiosidades agradables, eficiencia, el critico como artista, gestión, sociología|

 How To Build A High-Performing TeamThe Simple Secret To A High-Performing Team1. Build Trust On Your Team2. Build Psychological Safety On Your Team3. Set Ambitious Goals4. Work On Communication Skills5. Help Employees Build Confidence6. Listen [...]

Abundance… Why the World Is Better Than Ever & Will Get Better Still

October 8th, 2017|curiosidades agradables, eficiencia, innovación, tendencias|

Why the World Is Better Than Ever—and Will Get Better StillIn the last hundred years, we’ve seen the average human life expectancy nearly double, the global GDP per capita rise exponentially, and childhood mortality drop 10-fold.…“In the hands of [...]

Is Resilience the Secret to Being Happy at Work?

September 30th, 2017|coaching, cosillas empresariales, eficiencia, filosofía|

 No doubt. Resilience and contentedness…Is Resilience the Secret to Being Happy at Work?There are three main qualities of resilience.Challenge: Resilient individuals view adversity as a challenge and opportunity to learn, not a permanent situation or reflection of their self-worth.Commitment: Those [...]

11 Corporate Habits That Kill Your Company’s Innovation Engine (Strategyzer video)

September 24th, 2017|cosillas empresariales, gestión, innovación|

Replay: 11 Corporate Habits That Kill Your Company's Innovation Engine — StrategyzerCurrent business model dominate the agendaOne-size-fits-all decision making hurts speed & inventivenessInsisting on untested and detailed business plansOpinions and past experience matter more than [...]

”…technology alone is not enough –it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing.”
~Steve Jobs