Mis profes en #mitedp @ MIT-Sloan, Bill Aulet y Fiona Murray, en “A Tale of two Entrepreneurs” defienden las empresas escalables y que pueden operar globalmente frente a las empresas de carácter local cuyo alcance, por el modelo de negocio está más limitado.

Como plantean no es que un modelo sea mejor que otro, pero sí opinan que los “apoyos” gubernamentales deben destinarse más impetuosamente a las primeras ya que pueden generar más riqueza y más empleo, por definición. 

“… Even more important, organizations that intend to support either IDE (innovation-driven enterprises) or SME (small and medium enterprisesneed different metrics for success and should be judged over a different timeframe. SME programs are regional in their focus and, if well-executed, can provide for a short-term payback, but are unlikely to have a dramatic impact on large-scale job creation. Investment in supporting SMEs also is attractive because it can be geographically targeted, so a politician can more easily directly support his geographically assigned constituents. In contrast, an organization addressing IDE entrepreneurship must have the flexibility to address long-term strategies for economic growth, which can be slower to produce desirable results and often requires a range of stakeholders engaged in IDE acceleration beyond just entrepreneurs—large corporate partners, universities, and risk capital providers also must come to the table. Yes, IDE entrepreneurship is more challenging, but it offers much greater potential upside in the long term. Take Italy as an example of the shortcomings of a confused strategy, as the Wall Street Journal described in November 2011. In Italy, entrepreneurs stay small, in trusted regional markets, because government policies discourage their aspirations for growth. Italy’s economic woes partly are due to the entrepreneurs who do not plan for IDE creation, but instead stay focused on approaches for establishing more traditional SMEs.

Given these differences, organizations that combine SME and IDE entrepreneurship tend to falter. Regardless of their stated intentions, over time they tend to allocate proportionally more resources to SME at the expense of IDE because of the need for immediate and visible results.

If job creation and economic prosperity are the goals for a government, IDE entrepreneurship must be a major element of government strategy and policymaking. IDE generates many more new jobs and more exports than SME. And to ensure that IDE entrepreneurship has the right support structures, separate and equitable organizations will need to be set up, with different programs and mindsets, to support SME and IDE entrepreneurship. “

No perdamos de vista que son estadounidenses y no cuentan con que aquí nuestra clase política es bastante más … “compleja” 😉

Llegué al “cuento” a través de un artículo en Forbes.