“I looked around and said, ‘Are you fucking kidding? Money and power, is that all there is?
The 5-Minute Mental Exercise For Being A Smarter Leader And More Productive Employee | Fast Company | Business Innovation

So much of success is about energy management.

A vague request (I need a report on sales) from a reptilian manager only concerned with survival and profit can send people straight into critter brain mode. Clear directives (I need a report on third-quarter sales from the northeast region by Tuesday) give reports a greater opportunity to succeed, or at least a more specific opportunity to ask for help.

Comaford recommends doing a quick exercise where you ask 10 people to tell you the three adjectives they use to describe you. “If they aren’t what you want, change them,” she says. “The cool part of mindfulness,” she points out, is to gain a better understanding of what you are projecting to the world.