Revolutionizing product innovation: lessons from Apple’s AirPods Pro-strategy, by Product Focus

Apple® has demonstrated that groundbreaking innovation doesn’t always need new hardware. Just found this article Revolutionizing product innovation-lessons-from-apples-airpods-pro-strategy - Product Focus via appletalk blog and there was some additional product strategy to be considered ;-)  By cleverly transforming their existing AirPods Pro into sophisticated hearing assistance devices through strategic software updates, they’ve skillfully tapped into [...]

Perspectivas (EMEA) para el PE & VC en 2025, por Pitchbook

Los analistas de Pitchbook ofrecen un resumen de perspectivas para determinados mercados geográficos (USA, APAC, EMEA), en diferentes ámbitos de la inversión… Private Equity, Venture Capital, en los mercados de tecnología Industrial, Consumo, Empresa, y Salud, para 2025. Destacamos entre ellos el referente específicamente al mercado Europeo (entre otros). ¿Qué espera a los mercados privados de [...]

Advancing precision medicine through agile governance (by @BrookingsInst via @wef )

Leveraging the latest technologies to improve treatment regimens, store patient data, and track outcomes is essential for a country to reach their healthcare goals amidst changing environmental, economic, and social conditions. Precision medicine uses personal information, such as DNA sequences, to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease. From targeting late-stage cancers to curing rare genetic diseases, [...]

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