@contrariansmind post: Stop, Look, Listen | Jeff Robinson – Contrarian’s Mind
Sobre-informados, corriendo y sin hacer mucho caso a nuestro alrededor … propone recuperar la “escucha activa” y el “estar atento”. 

“… It may be a cliché to say that information is power; yet, it’s a cliché worth repeating because we’re barely aware of the most powerful information of all: analogue information that intimately affects our lives and that has been around as long as mankind. The sad thing is that we ignore much of it. We go through our days like a horse with bad eyesight who also wears blinkers. We only see what’s literally “staring us in the face” and even then, we often fail to appreciate its significance.

First, we should give our full attention to the person speaking …
Second, we shouldn’t interrupt them until they’ve finished a specific point, even if we strongly disagree …
Third, we should let them know that we’re getting their message by using facial expressions …
Fourth, when it’s our turn to speak, we should first ask a few simple questions to ensure that we understand the full meaning of what the other person had just said … it shows that we’re interested in the other person’s point of view, even though we might not agree with it. …

To get the most out of life we must live in the moment. Eleanor Roosevelt wisely said “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” We must be keenly observant of the world around us in all its aspects and when we’re with other people we must really focus on them. That doesn’t only mean that we benefit from the abundant beauty and inspiration offered by world around us; it also means that we show respect for others, and so, develop a mutually deeper understanding of each other. …