2020-2030 – Tendencias para la nueva década ( @AEDtweets )

Tecnología, Sociedad, Organizaciones Origen: 2020-2030 Tendencias para la nueva década (I): tecnología - Asociación Española de Directivos Ciberseguridad Robotización Inteligencia artificial Big Data Mobile Internet Regulación   Origen: 2020-2030 Tendencias para la nueva década (II): sociedad - Asociación Española de Directivos El nuevo consumidor Sostenibilidad y medio ambiente Geopolítica Demografía Movilidad y Smart Cities   [...]

Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” by @siftedeu

“We are creating possibly the biggest deeptech equity fund in Europe.” Origen: Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” | Sifted …a €10bn war chest, run by the European Innovation Council (EIC), to back his plans. “The EIC should become Europe’s unicorn factory,” he tells Sifted in an interview. “We are creating possibly the biggest deeptech equity fund [...]

How to Avoid Tool Overload and Apathy | Product Focus

Origen: How to Avoid Tool Overload and Apathy | Product Focus Communications overload Research shows that communication overload is a significant source of productivity loss. In this study by software company RescueTime, their analysis of 50,000 workers showed that, on average, workers checked their emails and messages every 6 minutes, and 40% never managed more [...]

World Intellectual Property report 2019 released ( by @WIPO ) 

This year’s report focuses on “The Geography of Innovation: Local Hotspots, Global Networks”. Origen: World Intellectual Property Report 2019   Drawing on millions of patent and scientific publication records spanning over five decades, this year’s edition of the report offers new insights on: The geography and interconnectivity of innovation in the 21st century How the [...]

The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age (libro vía @samuelgil )

En su newsletter, suma positiva, nos enlazaba Samuel este hilo (click en el tuit): https://twitter.com/eriktorenberg/status/1188999781617524737?s=20 E indicaba: Un hilo que resume de manera brillante “The Sovereign Individual”, un libro que ha predicho con sorprendente acierto muchos de los desarrollo socioeconómicos y tecnológicos de los últimos años. Según éste, los principales puntos de inflexión en la historia [...]

Conferencia “innovación, mi visión personal” por @nuriaoliver

Hace un par de semanas asistí a la conferencia que impartió en el Parc Cientific de la Universidad de Valencia, con motivo del 10º aniversario del centro, la siempre interesante Nuria Oliver. Tomé algunas notas, que pensaba volcar aquí, pero eran escasas para hacer justicia a lo interesantísima que fue. Afortunadamente, vía twitter Nuria compartió [...]

Why Your Gmail Inbox Should Be Your To-Do List (by @zapier)

I've tested lots of to-do apps over the years, but nothing has outperformed my inbox. Origen: Why Your Gmail Inbox Should Be Your To-Do List Why Your Email Inbox Makes a Great To-Do List Create labels to sort your to-do items into the right categories How to create labels and sublabels in Gmail Create filters [...]

The future of artificial intelligence depends on designing computers that can think and explore as resourcefully as babies do.

a very interesting article by @WSJ Origin: The Ultimate Learning Machines Why are quintessentially geeky places like DARPA and Google suddenly interested in talking about something as profoundly ungeeky as babies? It turns out that understanding babies and young children may be one key to ensuring that the current “AI spring” continues… … With a [...]

Casi 40 años después nos seguimos preguntando si la tecnología será buena, o mala

…a 21st-century bicycle that amplifies a certain intellectual ability that man has… (Steve Jobs on Apple computers) Original: Open Culture – 26-Year-Old Steve Jobs Debates the Utopian & Dystopian Promise of the Computer (1981) As ususal, education comes to humankind rescue: "The government has the capacity, by using computers, to get all kinds of information on [...]

Are You Developing Skills That Won’t Be Automated? (@HarvardBiz)

Our ability to manage and utilize emotion and to take into account the effects of context are key ingredients of critical thinking, creative problem solving, effective communication, adaptive learning, and good judgment.   Origen: Are You Developing Skills That Won’t Be Automated? Contrast being a barista with being a bartender. People often strike up a [...]

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