Nuevo arte, nuevos artistas, nuevo renacimiento & freelancers

Mi media naranja está en una etapa compleja… licenciada en Bellas Artes el pasado junio (2014), se abre  una etapa de definir qué quiere hacer; con increíbles capacidades para la venta (a lo que se ha dedicado profesionalmente muchos años), el arte, el dibujo, la pintura, la escultura, la venta, el 3D, la animación, la [...]

A long time ago, I realised that life is a mental game

Consider this your invitation to make no apologies about who you are…Inspiring ideas by @JulieMarieMeyer in Strong Jules in Heelswe will talk about the obsession that drives us... and it is just that: it's an addiction to the thrill and the exhaustion of building our firms. My strength is intermittent, unreliable and prone to surges and [...]

No lo hagas gratis, si es tu forma de vida

Vía @vicentegreus un muy buen articulo de Tim Kreider en defensa de "cobrar por tu trabajo" ;-)Slaves of the Internet, Unite! - NYTimes.comAsí que cuando te digan:- eres muy bueno escribiendo, fotografiando, ilustrando ¿por qué no lo haces para mi (medio/sala/etc)? Bueno, no tenemos presupuesto, pero conseguirás mucha exposición…En artículo encontrarás un montón de razones para negarte… [...]

Mean People Fail – Paul Graham

@paulg …The startup founders who end up richest are not the ones driven by money. The ones driven by money take the big acquisition offer that nearly every successful startup gets en route. The ones who keep going are driven by something else. They may not say so explicitly, but they're usually trying to improve the world. [...]

Entrepreneur or Employee…

Being a startup entrepreneur is not for everybody and it’s not the only desirable career choice. I also know that many people have families and cost obligations that don’t allow the kinds of financial risks associated with starting a company. And for others the hours, stresses and sacrifices in personal relationships are not worth it.Interesting [...]

The Future of Venture Capital – A White Paper | Rubicon Venture Capital

 Author's key views:VCs must create and structure their investment firms to add value to the startup far beyond the cash invested. The old model of just invest and join the board is not enough anymore. Rest in Peace (RIP) old VC model.The big VCs got much bigger, the mid-sized VCs died out and a large [...]

When Peter Thiel, the man behind PayPal and Facebook talks, we listen

blog.newhaircut.com1. If you didn’t create Google, you aren’t going toToday’s Larry Page isn’t working on a search engine and Steve Job’s counterpart isn’t working on personal computer, says Thiel, who writes about huge, singular achievements and what we can learn from them, rather than how we can copy them, to become as successful as possible. [...]

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