10 Habits That Separate Successful And Unsuccessful People – Lifehack

 ¿Gente exitosa? Una respuesta "generalizando" sobre algo tan poco definido (¿qué es éxito?)… me chirría,  pero no tengo duda que estos aspectos de la personalidad son esenciales para moverse en la vida… 10 Habits That Separate Successful And Unsuccessful People1. Strong sense of self-awareness2. A desire to improve3. Expressed appreciation4. Sense of ownership5. Target and goal-oriented6. [...]

8 Ways to Say No Without Hurting Your Image

Vía @ElenaBRZ 8 Ways to Say No Without Hurting Your Image | LinkedInI learned that there’s a big difference between pleasing people and helping them. Being a giver is not about saying yes to all of the people all of the time to all of the requests. It’s about saying yes to some of the people [...]

Presentation Zen: The Incomparable Carl Sagan: Scientist & Presenter Extraordinaire

Más allá del diseño, Garr Reynolds nos trae en esta entrada algunas de las ideas más interesantes que Sagan pudo expresar…Presentation Zen: The Incomparable Carl Sagan: Scientist & Presenter ExtraordinaireSagan's words here remind us that we as a species are the most remarkably intelligent, creative, and innovative species on the planet, yet paradoxically and incomprehensibly, [...]

¿El ocaso de la clase media? y otros artículos “relacionados”

Sintetia ¿El ocaso de la clase media? Aunque no el extracto más relevante, me ha gustado su sencillez y claridad:No se trata sólo de tener una cuenta en Twitter o en Facebook, no se trata de saber buscar en Google una información, se trata de saber utilizar esas herramientas para mejorar nuestra capacidad de construir respuestas [...]

Reindustrializaciones tecnológicas: la fiebre del oro (gris)

En mi opinión muy interesante artículo de @Carlos García Triviño para VLCnews – Reindustrializaciones tecnológicas: la fiebre del oro (gris)…En Academic research and industrial innovation, un estudio de la Universidad de Pennsylvania publicado por Edwin Mansfield en 1990 que se ha convertido en un clásico sobre la economía científica, llegó a estimarse que una décima parte [...]

Differentiating Organization & Tribe | Holacracy

Differentiating Organization & Tribe | HolacracyHolacracy doesn’t try to improve people, or make them more compassionate, or more conscious. And it doesn’t ask them to create any specific culture or relate to each other in any particular way.…Holacracy is fundamentally focused on the organization and its purpose—not the people and their desires and needs, however [...]

Insisto: cambiar no es fácil

If You Want to Change, Don’t Read This - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic - Harvard Business Review…A seminal review showed that we become more prudent, emotionally stable, and assertive with age, while our energy and intellectual curiosity dwindle after adolescence. In other words, as we grow older we become more calm and mature, but also more passive [...]

¿Miedo a la soledad?

‘All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.’~Blaise PascalThe Fear of Being Alone : zenhabits… This is natural, this fear of being alone. We’ve all felt it, deep within us, though we try desperately to avoid this fear.…But here’s the secret: being alone is empowering. The quiet of [...]

Why executive coaching is worth $500 an hour – Quartz

Why executive coaching is worth $500 an hour - Quartz…“In general… coaching is an effective tool for improving the functioning of individuals in organizations.”…coaching makes people measurably more effective at their jobs, yielding a quantifiable, positive return on investment for most investments in coaching (pdf.) But there is a great deal of variability between studies [...]

2013-12-15T16:26:00+01:00December 15th, 2013|coaching, ideas, psicología, sociología, tendencias|
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