Aaron Swartz on education

 vía @jorgecortell Against School | New RepublicThe single-minded goal of maximizing test scores has been a blessing for the textbook market, which forces schools to buy expensive “evidence-based curricula” which has been “proven” to maximize test scores. The packages include not only textbooks and workbooks but also scripts for the teachers to read verbatim—deviating from them [...]

2016-01-18T07:52:00+01:00January 18th, 2016|Sin categoría|

Conócete a ti mismo

 Know Yourself | The Book of LifeKnowing yourself has extraordinary prestige in our culture. It has been framed as quite literally the meaning of life. This sounds, when one hears it, highly plausible, yet so plausible it’s worth pausing to ask a few more questions. Just why is self-knowledge such a prestigious good? What are the [...]

2016-01-17T11:41:00+01:00January 17th, 2016|Sin categoría|

Glamorous tech startups can be brutal places for workers

 vía @tecleandor "a career as a software developer or engineer comes with no guarantee of job satisfaction."Software firms are supposed to be a paradise for “talent”. Not only are their workers fabulously paid, but they are showered with perks as well.The other side of paradise | The EconomistA survey last year of 5,000 such workers [...]

2016-01-16T09:01:00+01:00January 16th, 2016|Sin categoría|

The Post Smartphone Era

Interesting views about what will move business forward next years… vía The Post Smartphone Era | Tech.pinions - Perspective, Insight, Analysis. I want to make it clear when I say we are in the post-mobile era, I’m not saying there is some magical device that will replace the smartphone. In this vernacular, the post-mobile era [...]

2016-01-12T10:49:06+01:00January 12th, 2016|Sin categoría|

No hay personas tóxicas

 vía @vorpalina Guía de comportamientos tóxicos | iniciativa vorpalina…nadie -digo NADIE- tiene derecho a escribir un libro o mil para decirnos que usted o yo o esa persona somos tóxicos. Nada hay en excluir o apartar a otros de la sociedad y de las relaciones salvo un tóxico ejercicio de soberbia.…Pero aún en el caso de [...]

2016-01-12T07:45:00+01:00January 12th, 2016|Sin categoría|

Do you have to love what you do?

Es genial @jasonfried Do you have to love what you do? — Signal v. Noise — MediumLove for their subject matter may or may not play a role in their stories, but hate for the existing options, along with strong opinions about how things could work, does and is a much better predictor of success.I’d say [...]

2016-01-07T08:24:00+01:00January 7th, 2016|Sin categoría|

Sobre perdonar

On Forgiveness | The Book of LifeWe know how to practise this attitude, for we already do it all the time quite naturally with children. Faced with an example of a child’s violence or unreason, we know to ask at once whether they are tired or have eaten enough, whether they are worried or are [...]

2016-01-05T09:53:00+01:00January 5th, 2016|Sin categoría|

Usar la tecnología de forma saludable

vía @vorpalina: "tiendo a confiar en mayor grado en aquellas personas continuamente conectadas consigo mismas"Cómo usar la tecnología de forma saludable | iniciativa vorpalinaQueremos hablar rápido y de todo: Para pasar a otra cosa, mariposa. Dejamos así casi todo inconcluso y sin resolver en el momento. Y a menudo esto es hacer las cosas realmente mal. Por [...]

2015-12-21T07:32:00+01:00December 21st, 2015|Sin categoría|

On Career Crises

Change begins when the fear of not acting at all at last outstrips the paralysing fear of making a mistake.On Career Crises | The Book of LifeIn 1700, in Western Europe, there were some 400 different kinds of jobs you could choose from. Nowadays, there are approximately 500,000. No wonder if we sometimes have a [...]

2015-12-07T10:09:00+01:00December 7th, 2015|Sin categoría|
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