La Sabiduría

 Knowing that something difficult is being attempted doesn’t rob the wise of ambitions, but it makes them more steadfast, calmer and less prone to panic about the problems that will invariably come their way.On Wisdom | The Book of LifeIt’s woven from many strands:REALISMGRATITUDEFOLLYPOLITENESSSELF-ACCEPTANCEFORGIVENESSRESILIENCE ENVYREGRETSCALM

2016-02-13T20:47:00+01:00February 13th, 2016|Sin categoría|

La única persona a la que cada uno de nosotros necesita dirigir, es a uno mismo

Parábola del liderazgo auténtico | iniciativa vorpalina…Solo me he gobernado a mí mismo a lo largo de mi vida. En ella he comprobado en numerosas ocasiones cómo quien pretende gobernar a otros, acaba desgobernándose a sí mismo; y cómo quien trabaja para gobernarse, acaba gobernando a otros. Esto ocurre porque la única persona a la que cada uno de [...]

2016-02-09T12:56:00+01:00February 9th, 2016|Sin categoría|

Notes of interest from Apple’s Q1 2016 results conference

 Apple's Mac businessThough Mac sales were down slightly year over year, Apple still gained overall marketshare amidst a slumping PC market.Notes of interest from Apple's Q1 2016 conference callRevenue in China was up 14 percent year over year, representing Apple's best quarter everCook admitted there is some short-term volatility in China, but he's confident about [...]

2016-01-28T20:29:00+01:00January 28th, 2016|Sin categoría|

Reduce Passive-Aggressive Behavior on Your Team

the path to increased productivity and decreased stress is more conflictReduce Passive-Aggressive Behavior on Your Team - Harvard Business ReviewYou can increase the likelihood of productive conflict by making team members feel more comfortable with openly disagreeing and less comfortable with stifling differences. “Often, two or three people come to my office after each meeting to [...]

2016-01-26T08:04:00+01:00January 26th, 2016|Sin categoría|

Ayudando al equipo a manejar el stress, la ansiedad y a no “quemarse” (en)

 “upgrading mental and emotional capabilities”Help Your Team Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout…certain types of development activities can effectively build the capacity for resilience. One approach is to focus on employees’ personal growth and development. …there are some very practical and easy-to-implement approaches to personal development that managers and team members can adopt — and they aren’t [...]

2016-01-24T09:34:00+01:00January 24th, 2016|Sin categoría|

La innovación, más allá de las innovaciones

 Sintetia – Las 9 características de las empresas del futuro: líquidas, abiertas y creativases más importante hablar de organizaciones que poseen la cultura de la innovación. Este tipo de organizaciones cumplen los siguientes requisitos:1.-Visión y liderazgo abiertos y “débiles”. No se trata tanto de mandar como de dirigir y motivar. Es importante que el equipo pueda [...]

2016-01-23T17:58:00+01:00January 23rd, 2016|Sin categoría|
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