La ciencia ficción es la Filosofía vestida de fantasía

 por Calum Chace y Fundación Bankinter"science fiction is philosophy in fancy dress"  line is "science fiction is philosophy in fancy dress". I think someone else invented it, but I've not found them.Hace algo más de una semana tuve la suerte asistir a la conferencia La Revolución de las Máquinas organizada por la Fundación Bankinter para difundir [...]

2016-05-08T13:48:00+02:00May 8th, 2016|Sin categoría|

Estuve en Tora Taberna Japonesa…

 con la suerte de ir con un amante de la comida japonesa (y de Japón) que pidiera por todos:- tataki de bonito- niguiris de caballa- berenjena al agedashi- agedashi tofu- okonomiyaki- sopa de miso- bolitas de pulpoy la magnífica tarta de zanahoriaUna noche de marzo de 2016. Estupendo.

2016-05-07T12:10:00+02:00May 7th, 2016|Sin categoría|

How to catalyze front-line engagement

Admitting one's limits actually helps build engagement.A perspective on front-line engagement from Japan | Opensource.comArmed with what they've learned at these parties, these inexperienced (but smart) managers begin finding ways they can be helpful. Rather than just announce a plan to make changes, they spend time trying to understand what their employees needto have changed.On some [...]

2016-04-24T17:52:00+02:00April 24th, 2016|Sin categoría|

Advice is Cheap — Context is Priceless

“let me show you an example from someone we both know who’s doing it right.”He laid out the ideas so cohesively that it felt like a polished board deck. He cussed, but wasn’t disrespectful. He spoke with intelligence andintolerance. “Here’s how they think of these three areas. Boom, boom, boom. What are you waiting for? See [...]

2016-04-17T17:13:00+02:00April 17th, 2016|Sin categoría|

The 8 Most Important Leadership Skills You Need

Officevibe – The 8 Most Important Leadership Skills You Need1. Being Self-AwareHow To Build This SkillPractice mindfulness regularly, it has been shown to be linked to self-awareness1Keep track of things to optimize your habits. By taking time to note things throughout the day, you’ll train yourself to be more self-aware2. TrustworthinessHow To Build This SkillYou’ve [...]

2016-04-17T11:08:00+02:00April 17th, 2016|Sin categoría|

De la teoría a la práctica en tu vida

Algo en su interior les impide o les hace desconocer cómo ponerlo en práctica. Ese algo se llamo miedo y suele estar conectado con la siguiente lista de emociones (según el maestro Rafael Bisquerra):En un primer nivel la galaxia emocional que alimenta el miedo está formada por el pavor, el pánico, el horror, el terror, [...]

2016-03-21T07:12:00+01:00March 21st, 2016|Sin categoría|

When Revenue Isn’t The Answer

 Interesantísimo artículo. He visto lo que cuenta…When Revenue Isn’t The Answer — MediumYou became so focused on closing deals and winning customers that you missed finding real product/ market fit. Only after you raised your Series A did you realize that velocity does not equal repeatability when it comes to enterprise sales, and that the [...]

2016-03-20T00:04:00+01:00March 20th, 2016|Sin categoría|
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