En educación, no tiene sentido establecer políticas en torno a algo que va a desplazarse en otra dirección…

“Aprender a programar debería ser obligatorio” • Tim Cook en MIT tech review | appletalk:entremaquerosLos robots, con el tiempo, van a ocuparse de la mayor parte del montaje. Probablemente no tiene sentido establecer políticas, universidades públicas y escuelas vocacionales en torno a algo que va a desplazarse en otra dirección.Mi opinión es simplemente que la gente [...]

2017-07-01T09:00:00+02:00July 1st, 2017|Sin categoría|

Psychd: A new user psychology framework for increasing funnel conversion (Guest Post) at andrewchen

Origen: Psychd: A new user psychology framework for increasing funnel conversion (Guest Post) at andrewchen Every element of a webpage either inspires us by giving us more units of Psych or overwhelms us by depleting our existing store of Psych. … A user at 100 Psych is maximally committed to their current experience, does not [...]

2017-06-18T09:54:23+02:00June 18th, 2017|Sin categoría|

7 Habits of Tech-Savvy Teams – The Mission

 via @ChadGrills from themission.co _ The Seven Habits of Tech-Savvy TeamsA quick recap of the seven habits of tech-savvy teams:Write well.Time management is vital.Use the best tech. Discard the rest.Compete with who you were yesterday, not with each other.Cut off negativity.Create an environment that rewards prophets.Master your health.

2017-06-08T06:52:00+02:00June 8th, 2017|Sin categoría|

Spanish entrepreneur ecosystem is Great Again

and that's even without coming to Valencia… imagine if they did!!daphni newsletter: what daphni has learnt about Spanish Ecosystem and must-reads of the weekAfter not having been there in 7 years, I almost didn’t recognize Madrid: Streets were busier, the food tastier, the sky bluer than ever between the ochre walls of la Plaza Mayor. [...]

2017-05-19T07:26:00+02:00May 19th, 2017|Sin categoría|

Why Entrepreneurs Should (Occasionally) Think Like VCs – Leaders Fund

The most dangerous thing a company can do is miscalculate where on the spectrum it exists and what it can realistically achieve on its current course. Time and time again companies that believe themselves to be platforms and subsequently raise ‘platform’ money at ‘platform’ valuations, ramp up their burn without solid data to support a [...]

2017-05-06T17:43:30+02:00May 6th, 2017|Sin categoría|

Joined Airbnb at 52, What I Learned About Age, Wisdom, and the Tech Industry

 being an intern publicly and a mentor privately was essential intergenerational learning is especially important to Boomers, as we are likely to live 10 years longer than our parents, yet power in a digital society has moved 10 years younger. This means Boomers could experience 20 additional years of irrelevance and obsolescence. I Joined Airbnb at 52, [...]

2017-05-01T10:20:00+02:00May 1st, 2017|Sin categoría|

¿Cómo compran online los Baby Boomers, la Generación X y los Millennials? | LUXONOMY

…la Generación X ha realizado el mayor número de transacciones online que cualquier otro grupo (18.6), frente a los Millennials (15.6) y Baby Boomers (15.1) Esto se debe a que el primer grupo es más estable económicamente, en relación con los otros dos grupos. Sorprendentemente, los Baby Boomers tienden a comprar casi como los Millennials, aun mejor, tienen [...]

2017-04-22T16:21:30+02:00April 22nd, 2017|Sin categoría|

Necesitamos alternativas a Facebook, la gran ‘caja tonta’ de internet

Sí, se impone volver a los blogs (y a los sistemas independientes de valoración de contenidos).Lo ideal sería que las personas construyeran grandes comunidades en línea y participaran en la esfera pública sin permitir que ninguna empresa construya un detallado informe sobre ellas.¿Por qué hemos conseguido alcanzar lo que a menudo se denomina como la [...]

2017-04-22T09:59:00+02:00April 22nd, 2017|Sin categoría|
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