El SCRUM es un marco de trabajo prácticamente aplicable a cualquier equipo de personas en entornos productivos en los que la demanda del cliente evoluciona rápidamente, centrándose en los equipos de las personas más que en los procesos. LA GESTIÓN DE PROYECTOS ÁGIL NO SE FORMULA SOBRE LA NECESIDAD DE ANTICIPACIÓN, SINO SOBRE LA DE [...]

Projects 5.0 – Changing project management by @McKinsey

Projects 5.0: A cleansheet approach to project delivery The time is ripe for radical change in delivering large capital projects: starting with a clean sheet and rebuilding the project-delivery model from the ground up. Over the past year, we have worked with industry leaders and experts from around the world to reimagine how such a [...]

Product vs. Feature Teams (by @cagan for SVPG Silicon Valley Product Group)

In the tech world, there are really three distinct types of, loosely speaking, “product teams.” Origen: Product vs. Feature Teams | Silicon Valley Product Group …while this article might be painful to read, if you’ve been frustrated with the contradictory and confusing messaging from people in the product world, if you bear with me here, [...]

Phases Product Teams Go Through, From Product/Market Fit to Hypergrowth (by @nikhyl via @firstround )

The ability to iterate on something until it works is underrated. …a PM who’s taken a product from version two to eight at a smaller startup, vs. someone who’s worked at scale, but only shipped initial versions and then moved on. Origen: The Phases Product Teams Go Through, From Product/Market Fit to Hypergrowth | First [...]

Six Reasons Why iOS 13 and Catalina Are So Buggy ( @TidBITS )

Vía uno de los muy sabios integrantes (nro tech) de la lista de correo Lista de Soluciones Planeta Mac, una interesante entrada, en inglés, sobre cómo gestiona Apple sus bugs. Es tan interesante, que me parece que merece más estar en este blog que mantengo sobre cuestiones más profesionales, que en el que mantengo sobre [...]

Disney’s secret sauce

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things. Because we’re curious. And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt E. Disney Origen: CB insights newsletter – Disney's secret sauce   Curiosity wins Here’s the winning quote. “Around here, however, [...]

How to Avoid Tool Overload and Apathy | Product Focus

Origen: How to Avoid Tool Overload and Apathy | Product Focus Communications overload Research shows that communication overload is a significant source of productivity loss. In this study by software company RescueTime, their analysis of 50,000 workers showed that, on average, workers checked their emails and messages every 6 minutes, and 40% never managed more [...]

The journey to an agile organization by @McKinsey

agile organizations are characterized as a network of teams operating in rapid learning and decision-making cycles. Origen: The journey to an agile organization | McKinsey Agile organizations are different. Traditional organizations are built around a static, siloed, structural hierarchy, whereas agile organizations are characterized as a network of teams operating in rapid learning and decision-making [...]

Why the Most Effective Operations Managers Truly Value Great Culture

A company’s culture is its operating system. Everything that happens runs on it. Origen: Why the Most Effective Operations Managers Truly Value Great Culture The daily priorities for most organizational leaders and managers look something like this: Key Metrics (Sales, Revenue, Delivery, Customer Satisfaction, etc.) Strategic Initiatives Tactical Initiatives Day-to-Day Firefights People and Culture Company [...]

From projects to products (by @ProductFocus)

via Product Focus blog. Transitioning from a project to product orientation isn’t without pain but it will lead to better long-term outcomes: Faster, more reliable deliveries of product Better alignment and efficiency across the business by selling what’s available and delivering what’s been sold Taking control of the product strategy rather than being led by [...]

2018-02-04T19:04:20+01:00February 4th, 2018|project management|
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