Así que cuando estamos felices la mente no está verdaderamente en paz.
Comando Dharma: serpientecondiciones favorables o desfavorables, son solo características de la Rueda de la Existencia del eterno cambio.Buena suerte, mala suerte. (osho)
Comando Dharma: serpientecondiciones favorables o desfavorables, son solo características de la Rueda de la Existencia del eterno cambio.Buena suerte, mala suerte. (osho)
Algo sobre empatía… por @nickgrossman Everyone is broken and life is hard | Nick Grossman's Slow HunchDe los comentarios:"Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult -- once [...]
Consider this your invitation to make no apologies about who you are…Inspiring ideas by @JulieMarieMeyer in Strong Jules in Heelswe will talk about the obsession that drives us... and it is just that: it's an addiction to the thrill and the exhaustion of building our firms. My strength is intermittent, unreliable and prone to surges and [...]
Being a startup entrepreneur is not for everybody and it’s not the only desirable career choice. I also know that many people have families and cost obligations that don’t allow the kinds of financial risks associated with starting a company. And for others the hours, stresses and sacrifices in personal relationships are not worth it.Interesting [...]
"share": vision, size, commitment"differ": expertise, orientation, perspective(wisdom) words: don’t run; recruit to build, not to fund; plan for the worst, hope for the best The Art of Picking a Co-founder from Guy Kawasaki The Art of Picking a Co-founder en Slide Share
@gallir y su lógica aplastante: Milagros y recetas del éxito | Ricardo Galli, de software libreSupongamos que antes de un partido de fútbol hacemos que las 100.000 personas del público participen en un pequeño juego con monedas. Cada uno de ellos deberá elegir cara o cruz antes de comenzar. Ahora todos tienen que lanzar una [...]
Los fracasos son el pavimento del camino hacia el éxito.Qué bonito (siempre que aprendas de tus errores, claro; sino puede ser el pavimento hacia otro fracaso).Y recuerda, los éxitos también pueden ser el pavimento del camino del éxito. O del fracaso. (Por cierto cabe recordar aquí la magnífica oda al éxito en el blog Signal [...]
En el blog de @bfeld, autor invitado William Hertling… How to Find the Time to Accomplish Anything - Feld ThoughtsOnce I was enrolled in the program, I grew to become friends with Libba and Gifford, frequently staying at their home. I noticed that Gifford worked all the time. Other than short breaks to play disc golf [...]
“La espontaneidad no se improvisa” Enrique Vargas, director de teatro)El “Círculo dorado” de Simon Sinek | marketingstormingUn punto de vista muy interesanteLa charla TED de Simon Sinek a la que hace referencia la entrada, donde se habla de la importancia del "propósito"; no se trata de qué haces sino de porqué lo haces.
blog.newhaircut.com1. If you didn’t create Google, you aren’t going toToday’s Larry Page isn’t working on a search engine and Steve Job’s counterpart isn’t working on personal computer, says Thiel, who writes about huge, singular achievements and what we can learn from them, rather than how we can copy them, to become as successful as possible. [...]