What Is Resilience? by Brian Walker – Project Syndicate

"…the capacity of a system to absorb disturbance, re-organize, and keep functioning in much the same way as before. :"What Is Resilience? by Brian Walker - Project SyndicateA high degree of diversity, especially response diversity (different ways of doing the same thing, often mistakenly thought of as “redundancy”).A relatively modular structure that does not over-connect [...]

Will Millennials Drive the Shift from a Consumption-Based to a Values-Based Economy?

And while they weren’t more likely to buy used, rather than new, Millennials were significantly more likely to be trying alternatives to ownership.en Sustainable Brands"… This year, we found that the percentage most often buying used has increased to 26% and that 12% of Americans are actively taking part in the share-it, swap-it, rent-it economy. [...]

On “Geek” Versus “Nerd”

On “Geek” Versus “Nerd” | Slackpropagation"… ConclusionIn broad strokes, it seems to me that geeky words are more about stuff (e.g., “#stuff”), while nerdy words are more about ideas (e.g., “hypothesis”). Geeks are fans, and fans collect stuff; nerds are practitioners, and practitioners play with ideas. Of course, geeks can collect ideas and nerds play with [...]

Top Billionaire Art Collectors – Business Insider

Top Billionaire Art Collectors - Business Insider#10 Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr, CEO de Advance Publications (Condé Nast entre otras)#9 Leon Black, fundador de Apollo Global Management#8 Doris F Fisher, empezó The Gap#7 Norman L Braman, distribuidor de coches#6 Nasser David Khalili, magnate de las propiedades#5 François Pinault, CEO de PPR, lo que era Pinault-Printemps-Redout#4 Boris [...]

Ideas sobre información, conocimiento y educación; @dreig

"… en cuanto al dilema de si el profesor tiene que ser experto o no en tecnología, lo que tengo cada vez más claro es que en lo que tiene que ser experto es en su materia. …"El pulpo que vive en los árboles (o la diferencia entre información y conocimiento) | El caparazon:"… aprender [...]

Minimalizar el Consumo no es lo mismo que Minimizarlo | Mínimum Opus

Minimalizar el Consumo no es lo mismo que Minimizarlo | Mínimum Opus"… De poco sirven los experimentos de los cien objetos, los ejercicios de mindfulness, aprender a manejar la avalancha informativa, o cualquier otra técnica de las que tanto hablamos en la blogsfera minimalista si la mayor parte del día la pasas sentado en un cubículo [...]

Why Pay More? “conspicuous consumption”

In his classic "The Theory of the Leisure Class", published in 1899, he argued that once the basis of social status became wealth itself – rather than, say, wisdom, knowledge, moral integrity, or skill in battle – the rich needed to find ways of spending money that had no other objective than the display of [...]

To Attract New Grads, Hire Like a Start-Up

Unless corporations adapt their recruiting practices quickly, we will continue to see a brain drain away from corporations and toward start-ups To Attract New Grads, Hire Like a Start-Up - Elli Sharef and Nick Sedlet - Harvard Business Review In order to avoid being left behind, large corporations would do well to listen to the [...]

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