Beats of the week (6-2025)

La filtración de una árbol de decisión muestra qué es ahora un delito de pensamiento para el Gobierno USA The partial list flags terms and phrases including "equity," diverse groups," "under served," along with some identity-based demographic nomenclature such as "LGBT," "Indigenous community," "Black and Latinx," as well as "BIPOC." Others, like "sense of belonging," are downright [...]

Oportunidad para participar en Harvard Ventures-TECH Summer Program (HVTSP)

Pídeme un código para en el registro, pasar directo a la fase final de entrevistas. El Programa de Verano Harvard Ventures-TECH es la principal academia de innovación de la escuela secundaria para aspirantes a emprendedores e innovadores. Los estudiantes de HVTSP obtienen experiencia real de alto impacto en varias disciplinas al trabajar con las principales [...]

Revolutionizing product innovation: lessons from Apple’s AirPods Pro-strategy, by Product Focus

Apple® has demonstrated that groundbreaking innovation doesn’t always need new hardware. Just found this article Revolutionizing product innovation-lessons-from-apples-airpods-pro-strategy - Product Focus via appletalk blog and there was some additional product strategy to be considered ;-)  By cleverly transforming their existing AirPods Pro into sophisticated hearing assistance devices through strategic software updates, they’ve skillfully tapped into [...]

Goirigolzarri advierte: los populismos y la desglobalización son “inflacionarios”

y yo añado "y van de la mano" ;-) Origen: Economía 3 – Goirigolzarri advierte: los populismos y la desglobalización son "inflacionarios" Goirigolzarri ha advertido de que en el medio plazo pueden darse tasas de inflación no tan bajas como en el pasado por varias razones, entre ellas el populismo, la desglobalización y la demanda [...]

Building startup ecosystem stars

The global race for innovation The world of innovation is not “flat”. The attention of global "innovation hunters" (VC funds, large corporates, etc.) today tends to gravitate toward a selected few global hotspots distinguished by a high density of scaleups, capital, and talent: Silicon Valley, Israel, and probably less than another dozen of hubs across [...]

Informe Ecosistema Startup e Innovador de El Referente, visto por Economía 3

Un muy buen resumen de un gran informe. Origen: Las tech en crecimiento: 100.000 empleos y 11.541 M€ de ventas   El ecosistema emprendedor español más de 7.028 compañías tecnológicas activas, 3.640 son start-ups (menos de  cinco años de actividad) 1.185 son scaleups (facturan más de un millón de euros) el resto PYMES han vendido [...]

15 prácticas esenciales para crear una cultura de innovación – Sastre & Asociados en LinkedIn

El filósofo chino Lao Tzu nos decía ya hace muchos siglos (siglo VI a.c): “Cuida tus pensamientos, ellos se convierten en tus palabras. Cuida tus palabras, ellos se convierten en tus acciones. Cuida tus acciones, ellas se convierten en tus hábitos. Cuida tus hábitos, ellos se convierten en tu carácter. Cuida tu carácter, él se [...]

The “errors” that mean you’re doing it right

Re-adding features/bugs you removed from the backlo Pivoting a strategy just after creating it Refactoring infrastructure after growing 10x Adding words because messaging was too terse Adding back features you removed Fixing lots of bugs just after a major release Waiting too long to scale support or sales Letting someone go soon after hiring Ignoring [...]

Prepare your outlook for 2024 (excerpts from Exponential View by Azeem Azhar)

“We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.” ~ Roy Amara Origen: 🚀 My outlook for 2024 - Exponential View by Azeem Azhar It was roughly a decade ago when the giants of the oil age were surpassed by silicon stars, Apple [...]

66 Good News Stories You Didn’t Hear About in 2023

A lot of things went right this year. Almost none of them made the news. Origen: 66 Good News Stories You Didn't Hear About in 2023 Global Health 1. A record number of countries eliminated diseases this year 2. Progress in the fight against cancer 3. Malaria vaccines started arriving in Africa 4. New therapies [...]

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