Outcomes from relating to other managers (2/3)

Going on, some days later:- Erosion of knowledge:Mobile trained workersMore capable universitiesUS hegemony is decreasingOligopoly market positions are decreasingVenture Capital is increasing (focused on Development, instead of R+D)- Open Innovation is playing poker, but you shouldn't forget playing chess- What's innovation?Before:Invention, productTech-drivenInternalEngineering jobAfter:CommercializationBusiness (process & business model)Business value -drivenInternal integration of internal & external stuffEveryone's [...]

Lean Startup Model: Not Just For Startups Any More – Steve Blank

“Keep Failing Fast Til You Succeed”Steve Blank's Lean Startup Model: Not Just For Startups Any More – ReadWrite: "… The principles of the lean startup - failing fast and continually iterating and learning – certainly pose a challenge to traditional processes at corporate behemoths – but Blank argues that adopting the lean startup model is now [...]

To Attract New Grads, Hire Like a Start-Up

Unless corporations adapt their recruiting practices quickly, we will continue to see a brain drain away from corporations and toward start-ups To Attract New Grads, Hire Like a Start-Up - Elli Sharef and Nick Sedlet - Harvard Business Review In order to avoid being left behind, large corporations would do well to listen to the [...]

Sobre founders, CEOs, COOs y otras hierbas (en)

Reid weighed in eloquently on this topic. “[to be CEO you need to] devote substantial time to time consuming things like running meetings and other business process. You can’t just do the exciting stuff like making the final call on product and speaking at conferences, while shuffling off everything else to the mythical COO who loves [...]

NO. The one word shouldn’t exist in an entrepreneur’s vocabulary

I want to know. And I have nothing to fear in the answer. The One Word That Shouldn’t Exist in an Entrepreneur’s Vocabulary"… Hold interviews with tech people, marking people, ops people, finance people – whatever. They always finish the interview with a “thank you” and barely ask next steps.Any great sales person will ask you [...]

We Update You

@acornella ha contado un millón de cosas interesantes hoy en la versión corta de We Update You tras  la entrega del premio Emprendedor XXI de la Comunidad Valenciana.He intentado "tuitear" todo lo que decía, se me ha ocurrido crear un hashtag por concepto (los que tienen un paréntesis en la entrada) y también por las [...]

Un cuento sobre dos emprendedores (en)

Mis profes en #mitedp @ MIT-Sloan, Bill Aulet y Fiona Murray, en "A Tale of two Entrepreneurs" defienden las empresas escalables y que pueden operar globalmente frente a las empresas de carácter local cuyo alcance, por el modelo de negocio está más limitado. Como plantean no es que un modelo sea mejor que otro, pero [...]

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