Guía para trabajadores por cuenta propia… a pequeña o gran escala
vía @cruzsierra_ la publicación en Valencia Plaza de la Guía para trabajadores por cuenta propia... a pequeña o gran escala
vía @cruzsierra_ la publicación en Valencia Plaza de la Guía para trabajadores por cuenta propia... a pequeña o gran escala
(en) Algunas ideas y conceptos de los ex-profesores del MIT Entrepreneurship Center en el seminario de marketing del programa @valencianglobalMarketing is science not art What’s your goal? Personal, Financial or TimeFrame? rich vs. king Single Necessary Condition for a business?A paying customer Technology is not a business. We have to give/offer/sale solutions (services). Technology is overrated when it comes to business. Marketing is [...]
Hacer buenas preguntas es importante para saber escuchar …Increase Your Team's Curiosity - Roger Schwarz - Harvard Business Review"… By combining transparency and curiosity, teams keep the discussion focused, get all the information on the table, learn why members have different views, and create solutions that take into account all team members' perspectives. As a result [...]
En enero de 2013 me regalaron este libro … lamento haberme pensado tanto leerlo (y no haberlo descubierto mucho antes) ;-)Me ha encantado. Se puede echar un vistazo a y para profes ;-) para saber de qué va.
Building Great Founding Teams | Steve Blank FIgure out who you areMany founding teams fail because they’ve never had the conversation about founder, founding team and founding CEO. Spend the time and take stock of who’s on the journey with you.Lessons LearnedFounder, Founding team, Founding CEO all have word “founder” in them but have different [...]
… can do both.strategy + business" … The business-smart leader can give voice to aspiration, the functional-smart leader can appreciate limits and execute within them. …"
Mi táctica es mirarte aprender como sos quererte como sos mi táctica es hablarte y escucharte construir con palabras un puente indestructible mi táctica es quedarme en tu recuerdo no sé cómo ni sé con qué pretexto pero quedarme en vos mi táctica es ser franco y saber que sos franca y que no nos vendamos simulacros para que entre los dos no haya telón ni abismos mi estrategia es en cambio más profunda y más simple mi estrategia es que un [...]
Foco, control de costes, equipo, compromiso, liderazgo …Los 10 en detalle, según Empresa Radical
The question is, “Better positioned for what?”… From an outsider’s perspective, it looks like they spent their time finding a repeatable and scalable business model before they gave away equity to a V.C.Is $75 Million in Venture Capital an Advantage? - of the two companies mentioned in the article — RJMetrics and GoodData — is [...]
Going on, some days later:- Erosion of knowledge:Mobile trained workersMore capable universitiesUS hegemony is decreasingOligopoly market positions are decreasingVenture Capital is increasing (focused on Development, instead of R+D)- Open Innovation is playing poker, but you shouldn't forget playing chess- What's innovation?Before:Invention, productTech-drivenInternalEngineering jobAfter:CommercializationBusiness (process & business model)Business value -drivenInternal integration of internal & external stuffEveryone's [...]