Why Startups Need Marketing – Christine Tsai

" … No matter what the startup is, marketing’s mission is the same — to tell the world about the product. Positioning the product Defining the target customerRepresenting the customer voice in the product roadmapDeveloping the company’s brandAcquiring customersKeeping customers happy … "Why Startups Need Marketing - christine's brain

¿De verdad los clientes no saben lo que quieren?

@jmegias "… Lo que el cliente tiene muy claro es su dolor, su problema… y tu deberías conocerlo de forma íntima, casi tanto o más que él.…Es decir, debemos hacer foco en entender el trabajo que necesita resolver el cliente (el famoso job to do)… lo que implica que conozcamos perfectamente aspectos tales como elcontexto del cliente, la importancia relativa que tiene el [...]

2012-10-09T18:24:00+02:00October 9th, 2012|cosillas empresariales, gestión, ideas|

Startup = Growth (Paul Graham)

(en) Un interesantísimo ensayo de Paul Graham sobre lo esencial del crecimiento en las startups. Dale el tiempo que requiere y disfrútalo.Startup = Growth" … To grow rapidly, you need to make something you can sell to a big market. …If you write software to teach Tibetan to Hungarian speakers, you'll be able to reach most of [...]

What’s The Most Difficult CEO Skill? Managing Your Own Psychology

(en) —via @jorgecortell— "…if you don’t like choosing between horrible and cataclysmic, don’t become CEO…"What’s The Most Difficult CEO Skill? Managing Your Own Psychology // Ben Horowitz"… If someone was promoted for all the wrong reasons, that was my fault. If we missed the quarterly earnings target, that was my fault. If a great engineer [...]

Sales Workshop VGGP

(en) Algunas ideas y conceptos de los ex-profesores del MIT Entrepreneurship Center en el seminario de ventas del programa @valencianglobalSales is a Science, not an artTune your radio station to: W.I.F.M. : What's In it For Me?)Technology open doors, Benefit close sales (Value Proposition)Technology is a platform to sustain a competitive advantageCustomer focusBuild trust, active listening [...]

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