
El equipo de @foundum me regaló el libro Startup Communities (Brad Feld @bfeld, 2012; ed. Wiley), fue un gran regalo que llegó en el momento más oportuno. Así que, nuevamente, gracias. Hace ya años que me “interesan” las “dinámicas de los grupos”. Me resulta curioso observar o estudiar el comportamiento grupal … por eso hace tiempo [...]

To Sell Anything You Need to Know What Makes You Unique

"… If you have gotten the customer to acknowledge a “pain” and they are aware and believe that your can uniquely solve that pain you’re a long way down the sales funnel. …"To Sell Anything You Need to Know What Makes You Unique"… But that instant product / market fit is rare.So you need a [...]

Why Making Money Is Not Enough | MIT Sloan Management Review

"… the maximization of profit is not a purpose; instead, it is an outcome." -Ratan TataWhy Making Money Is Not Enough | MIT Sloan Management Review"… it is possible to build and lead companies that retain a deeper purpose,” they write. Despite the growing wealth of the Tata Group, they note, company leaders are not featured [...]

Is $75 Million in Venture Capital an Advantage? –

The question is, “Better positioned for what?”… From an outsider’s perspective, it looks like they spent their time finding a repeatable and scalable business model before they gave away equity to a V.C.Is $75 Million in Venture Capital an Advantage? - of the two companies mentioned in the article — RJMetrics and GoodData — is [...]

La era de la destrucción del empleo por la tecnología

Versión en Business Insider para los que tenemos prisa del artículo en MIT Technology Review"… The real problem facing workers today is computer software that can handle the work typically performed in white-collar jobs. From clerical work to handling finances, software can perform many tasks faster and with fewer errors. With developments like big data [...]

Microsoft da un empujón a los emprendedores valencianos (a dónde los empuja es otra cuestión)

Les pone herramientas microsoft … no se si es mucho apoyo.Además se apoderan del concepto "smart city" en el que IBM es precursora ("smarter worl" ) y apoya el mercado más tradicional, dejando de lado modelos de negocio que puedan crecer y ofrecer un desarrollo más sostenible.A mi no me parece el mejor camin [...]

Outcomes from relating to other managers (2/3)

Going on, some days later:- Erosion of knowledge:Mobile trained workersMore capable universitiesUS hegemony is decreasingOligopoly market positions are decreasingVenture Capital is increasing (focused on Development, instead of R+D)- Open Innovation is playing poker, but you shouldn't forget playing chess- What's innovation?Before:Invention, productTech-drivenInternalEngineering jobAfter:CommercializationBusiness (process & business model)Business value -drivenInternal integration of internal & external stuffEveryone's [...]

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