La empresa en la que creo

 @sintetia Cadenas de inspiración …  como dice Xavier Marcet en el artículo, rindamos homenaje a los buenos.Al menos a los que creemos que son buenos… que puede ser algo así (en sus palabras):Pero en las organizaciones hay muchas personas fantásticas, gente que nos hace sentir especiales por pertenecer a comunidades de las que vale la pena participar. [...]

Working with different personality types, “it starts with education, not assumptions”

 How to manage introverts and extroverts | Network WorldWe asked managers in the tech world to share what they've learned about working with different personality types. One fundamental lesson emerged: It starts with education, not assumptions.  As someone who self identifies as an introvert, I find that the label is not binary, but rather a [...]

There are risks and costs to a program of action…

 but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction. ~ John F. KennedyThe Doing Mindset > The Thinking Mindset – The Mission – MediumWhen you value “the thinking mindset” more than “the doing mindset” you will eventually end up with a note app or notebook full of dozens or even hundreds of [...]

Move toward a transparent culture by making employee salaries open

@FirstRound How Chewse Operationalized Transparency — Starting With Salaries | First Round Review In Chewse’s early days, Lawrence and Schenck debated how to best show appreciation to their employees. “We considered different benefits programs, but it always came back to compensation. People really care about their comp. We wondered, what was the most authentic way to [...]

People in superstar mode want a world they can change. Those in rock star mode seek a world they can stabilize.

@FirstRound Warning: This Is Not Your Grandfather’s Talent Planning | First Round ReviewHow to Tell Your Stars ApartThere’s a lot of jargon to describe superior performers on teams: 10x engineer, sales wizard, growth ninja. “Superstar” and “rock star” are also thrown about liberally, but Scott is on a mission to reclaim them —not as labels for [...]

El efecto ROPO y showrooming para incrementar las ventas del lujo

 vía @luxonomy la barrera entre eCommerce y comercio físico está rota.Según el barómetro de consumo de Google, en España, durante el periodo 2014-2015, un 27% de consumidores realizaron esta práctica. En 2016 está cifra se ha elevado al 40%, y sigue en aumento. Para decantarnos más por la importancia del efecto ROPO, indicar que los consumidores [...]

Sala de (Reuniones) Decisiones

 via @sintetia – Reunir y decidir, esa es la cuestión por @fabadiabadenas– ¡Cielos! ¿No se lo han explicado?– No.– El soberano jamás ofrece a un Primer Ministro un refresco ni una silla. El precedente lo estableció su Tatarabuela al mantenernos de pie como Ayudas de Cámara. Perder el tiempo es un pecado mortal. Si algo he aprendido en cincuenta [...]

Los CEO psicópatas abundan en Silicon Valley

 y tal vez fuera… ;-)Psychopathic CEOs are rife in Silicon Valley, experts say – MacDailyNews - Welcome Home"Hay una alta proporción de CEOs psicópatas en Silicon Valley, permitido por inversores protectores y departamentos de recursos humanos débiles, según un panel de expertos en el festival SXSW", informa Olivia Solon para The Guardian. Aunque el término" [...]

Pennsylvania sues IBM over troubled $110M IT upgrade

 The Standish Group, drawing from a database of 50,000 development projects, has found that for development projects that exceed $100 million in labor costs, only 2% are successful, meaning on-time and within budget. Another 51% are considered challenged or over budget, behind schedule or didn't meet user expectations. The rest, 47%, are seen as outright failures, said [...]

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