Trend driven innovation?
by @trendwatching … easyEn concreto lo saqué del pdf "The Future of Customer Experience"
by @trendwatching … easyEn concreto lo saqué del pdf "The Future of Customer Experience"
por Francisco J. Martín ( @aficionado ) fundador de @bigmlcomFrancisco inició su carrera como becario del MEC en el departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación de la UPV y después en el Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).En 1999 fundó iSOCO-Intelligent Software Components, uno de los primeros spin-offs del CSIC.En [...]
by @uicynthia Track and Facilitate Your Engineers’ Flow States In This Simple Way | First Round Review‘The more a job inherently resembles a game — with variety, appropriate and flexible challenges, clear goals, and immediate feedback — the more enjoyable it will be regardless of the worker’s level of development.’ ~ CsikszentmihalyiPerhaps more important than recognizing flow, then, [...]
Robo-Advisors Aren't A Difficult Tech Problem And Are Already On Their Way To Being CommoditizedRobin: Well, the buzzwords, I’ve noticed, are very much in the financial industry… Is machine learning. But, basically, using more modern artificial intelligence techniques in everything from investing to solving problems that they have on the consumer side, [inaudible 01:01:00]How much of [...]
from intensive competition, consolidation, and saturation by @andrewchenGrowth is getting hard from intensive competition, consolidation, and saturation"The reason for the above is that there are multiple trends – happening right now – that impede growth for new products. These trends are being driven by the biggest players – Google/Facebook, et al – but also by the significant [...]
The Scale Fallacy (And How I Learned the Value of Success That Was Steady, Not Spectacular)Services businesses don’t scale because they are based on manpower: to double your revenue, you need to double the hours worked. Unless there is unused capacity, that means doubling the size of your team. And that’s just to achieve 2x [...]
@sintetia Los agujeros negros del progreso: clusters globales de innovación–> …las universidades y centros públicos de investigación tienen un rol significativo: en Barcelona dichos agentes registran el 17’3% de las patentes mientras que en Madrid aportan un 25’7% del total.–> Valores muy elevados comparados con los clústeres líderes: en Tokyo-Yokohama, las universidades y centros de investigación sólo registran [...]
To Grow Faster, Hit Pause — and Ask These Questions from Stripe’s COO | First Round Review“A lot of companies don’t decide how they want to grow until they’re well into their growth phase,” she says. “For a long time, your actions pull your company along, and then all of a sudden it switches — your existing business [...]
Step aside Silicon Valley, there is a new tech hub in town | World Economic ForumDeep tech accounted for $1.3 billion of European venture investments in 2015, delivered in 82 rounds, up from $289 million, delivered in 55 rounds, in 2011.Europe’s traditional industries are now awakening to tech. Two-thirds of Europe’s largest corporates by market [...]
@daphnipolis uses to send a weekly newsletter, always interesting but with an editorial I think they do not publish in the internet… so I will, as it is a very good article, interesting as it backs the (not so) new trend accelerators are promoting, some of then even changing their current business model… by Paul [...]