“The End of Digital Health” by @heal_capital

Over the following years we will see as healthcare becomes inseparable from digital health, becoming one and the same. Origen: The End of Digital Health. 2020 ended with a global sigh of relief… | by Heal Capita Medium Patient Journey from A to Z …digitisation of our patient files. This brings about strong patient empowerment, [...]

Very High Net Worth Handbook 2020 (by @wealthx )

The always interesting report of the rich ;) Origen: Very High Net Worth Handbook 2020: Exceptional Growth Source Assets Women outperform men in 'non-profit and social organizations' industry.   Wealth tiers   Number of VHNW by country and density by country. The most notable country findings: ■ The top 10 countries accounted for three-quarters of [...]

Robots aren’t taking our jobs –they’re becoming our bosses– by @verge via @exponentialview

This is not the future we were looking for. This why UBI will become a need, as no human would allow another human the job conditions the system seems to be bringing in. If industries are able to produce more efficiently without the costs of workers, their taxes would allow for a universal basic income. [...]

The Global Risks report – 2019 y 2020 (vía @igobernanzaemp )

En septiembre 2019 asistí a un coloquio organizado por el instituto de Gobernanza Empresarial, en la que José María Carulla, Head of Client Advisory Services Iberia de Marsh Risk Consulting nos presentaba un interesantísimo resumen del análisis de riesgos que presentaron en Davos en enero de 2019. De una parte el trabajo y de otra [...]

Forget thinking “outside the box”. This is why the box is useful (by @siftedeu )

…‘design thinking’ often misses a lot of the business realities and leaves them as problems for others to solve. This institutionalises the typically high failure rate in innovation. … ~ Todd Rovak Origen: Forget thinking "outside the box". This is why the box is useful | Sifted We believe the business problem and customer problem [...]

World Intellectual Property report 2019 released ( by @WIPO ) 

This year’s report focuses on “The Geography of Innovation: Local Hotspots, Global Networks”. Origen: World Intellectual Property Report 2019   Drawing on millions of patent and scientific publication records spanning over five decades, this year’s edition of the report offers new insights on: The geography and interconnectivity of innovation in the 21st century How the [...]

State of Innovation (report by @CBinsights )

While corporations worry about disruption, do they actually invest in preventing it? ANSWER = NO   Link to .pdf •667 strategy leaders surveyed •66% are $1B in revenue or more •Covering all major industries: financial services business services information technology life sciences insurance industrial manufacturing CPG energy and utilities retail telecommunications media education transportation materials [...]

Forget manuals and Learning Management Systems

Origen: How to shake up conversions with stirring conversations Where the conversation happens matters. According to a 2016 Ovum study, 53 percent of American and German respondents stated that they favor talking with businesses through chat apps versus the phone, mainly because of speed and convenience. Meanwhile, 50.6 percent of consumers responding to a 2016 [...]

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