Beyond the Hype Cycle: Quantifying Media Attention to Predict Technology Trends

Beyond the Hype Cycle: Quantifying Media Attention to Predict Technology Trends - CB Insights CB Insights Trends provides an objective, real-time, and data-driven perspective on the technologies and trends that business strategists, chief innovation officers, R&D leaders, product marketers, emerging technology teams, investors, and governments should consider in developing their strategies and responses to emerging [...]


How to Tell If a Company Is Good at Innovating or Just Good at PR Harvard Business Review rigorous innovators direct innovation strategically, with innovation efforts integrated into strategic planning and resource allocation systems. They pursue innovation rigorously, with a disciplined process and supporting tools to help spot, shape, and seize opportunities to innovate. They resource innovation intensively, dedicating top talent to [...]

2015-12-19T10:41:39+01:00December 19th, 2015|innovation, trends|

Four fundamentals of workplace automation

The bottom line is that 45 percent of work activities could be automated using already demonstrated technology. Four fundamentals of workplace automation | McKinsey & Company. Our research is ongoing, and in 2016, we will release a detailed report. What follows here are four interim findings elaborating on the core insight that the road ahead [...]

2015-12-09T14:59:10+01:00December 9th, 2015|collaboration, innovation, opinión, trends|

5 Trends for 2016 | 5 Trends for 2016. Status tests (status seekers mega-trend) consumers will embrace a new twist on a traditional form of cachet: exclusivity. That means STATUS TESTS that force them to actively prove their worth to the brands they want to buy from. Contextual omnipresence (helpfull mega-trend) smart brands will focus on answering a [...]

2015-11-15T15:04:34+01:00November 15th, 2015|trends|

Gartner: 10 tendencias tecnológicas para 2016 | Centro de Innovación BBVA

10 tendencias tecnológicas para 2016 1. Red de dispositivos 2. Experiencia ambiental de usuario 3. Materiales de impresión 3D 4. Información de Todo (Information of Everything) 5. Aprendizaje avanzado – Inteligencia artificial 6. Implementación de agentes autónomos y semiautónomos 7. Arquitectura de seguridad adaptativa 8. Arquitectura de sistemas avanzados 9. Arquitectura de aplicaciones y servicios [...]

2015-11-08T13:21:57+01:00November 8th, 2015|technology, trends|

Los Retos para el Departamento IT en el nuevo Ecosistema Digital

via @KicoArjona dos interesantes entradas sobre un mismo asunto en Calidad y Tecnología. Los Retos para el Departamento IT en el nuevo Ecosistema Digital I Los Retos para el Departamento IT en el nuevo Ecosistema Digital y II Las paradojas: La Paradoja de la Casa de la Pradera: Disponemos de mejor tecnología, conexiones más rápidas [...]

De “sintetia”: Soy consultor, ¡con perdón! Y mi futuro está cambiando radicalmente

¿Qué aporta un consultor a tu empresa? Los servicios de asesoramiento son tan antiguos como la historia. Desde los ancianos que asesoraban a los jefes de las tribus a los consejeros de reyes y príncipes, han asesorado a sus “clientes” sobre las mejores decisiones para el bien de su “empresa” o “país”. Los que nos [...]

2015-07-04T09:27:30+02:00July 4th, 2015|collaboration, opinión, trends|
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