Present your data in a radar chart
Present your data in a radar chart – Office Support.
Encuentra las respuestas desmitificadoras de los 10 mitos sobre computación en la nube – OpenMind Mito nº 1: solo es adecuada para empresas tecnológicas. Mito nº 2: la seguridad es el mayor riesgo. Mito nº 3: todo funciona mejor en la nube. Mito nº 4: siempre es más barato ejecutar en la nube. Mito nº…
[slideshare id=1798664&doc=culture9-090801103430-phpapp02] vía Culture.
via @KicoArjona dos interesantes entradas sobre un mismo asunto en Calidad y Tecnología. Los Retos para el Departamento IT en el nuevo Ecosistema Digital I Los Retos para el Departamento IT en el nuevo Ecosistema Digital y II Las paradojas: La Paradoja de la Casa de la Pradera: Disponemos de mejor tecnología, conexiones más rápidas…
Dear Project Team Members | PMStudent. 1) Work that has not started is 0% complete. It is not 7% complete or ‘in the works’ … 2) Status reports are nonfiction, not creative writing. … 3) If you are going to be late with your work, tell us as soon as you know. … 4) Don’t…
Any time you commission an innovative project, failing to achieve your commercial objectives is a real possibility. The more innovative the idea, the more it by definition rests on assumptions that may or may not pan out. The tools and techniques developed over the past decade around managing those assumptions, coupled with dramatic decreases in…
By Tim Walsh 1. Develop a list of top local companies, even if they are not in your industry. 2. Look for local professional niche networking groups on LinkedIn or Facebook (or elsewhere). 3. When you do locate the talent you want to recruit, make sure your message to them is tight and compelling. Here…
“Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.” Obstacle #1: Naive Resource Management Obstacle #2: Teams Organized by Functional Specialization Obstacle #3: Teams Organized by Architectural Components Obstacle #4: Distraction Obstacle #5: Reluctance to Continuously Refine, Reprioritize and Rescope Obstacle #6: Rampant Technical Debt Obstacle #7: Lack of Commitment to Transformation
Wield the Politician Inside You Use the Details to Shape the Strategy Communicate, Communicate, Communicate Lead by Example Create Balance
My guess as to how these numbers can be reconciled would be that the overwhelming majority of these workers like the nature of the work they do. Perhaps, to borrow Gallup terminology, it gives them the chance to use their strengths every day. It might also enrich their lives by allowing them to contribute to…