The Post Smartphone Era

Interesting views about what will move business forward next years… vía The Post Smartphone Era | Tech.pinions – Perspective, Insight, Analysis. I want to make it clear when I say we are in the post-mobile era, I’m not saying there is some magical device that will replace the smartphone. In this vernacular, the post-mobile era…



How to Tell If a Company Is Good at Innovating or Just Good at PR Harvard Business Review rigorous innovators direct innovation strategically, with innovation efforts integrated into strategic planning and resource allocation systems. They pursue innovation rigorously, with a disciplined process and supporting tools to help spot, shape, and seize opportunities to innovate. They resource innovation intensively, dedicating top talent to…


What the legendary Clayton Christensen gets wrong about Uber, Tesla and disruptive innovation – The Washington Post

What the legendary Clayton Christensen gets wrong about Uber, Tesla and disruptive innovation – The Washington Post. Google, Facebook, SpaceX, and Oneweb are in a race to provide Wi-Fi Internet access everywhere through drones, microsatellites, and balloons. At first, they will provide their services through the telecom companies; then they will eat their lunch. The…


5 Trends for 2016 | 5 Trends for 2016. Status tests (status seekers mega-trend) consumers will embrace a new twist on a traditional form of cachet: exclusivity. That means STATUS TESTS that force them to actively prove their worth to the brands they want to buy from. Contextual omnipresence (helpfull mega-trend) smart brands will focus on answering a…


Gartner: 10 tendencias tecnológicas para 2016 | Centro de Innovación BBVA

10 tendencias tecnológicas para 2016 1. Red de dispositivos 2. Experiencia ambiental de usuario 3. Materiales de impresión 3D 4. Información de Todo (Information of Everything) 5. Aprendizaje avanzado – Inteligencia artificial 6. Implementación de agentes autónomos y semiautónomos 7. Arquitectura de seguridad adaptativa 8. Arquitectura de sistemas avanzados 9. Arquitectura de aplicaciones y servicios…
