La Transformación Digital – en @sintetia

El concepto de transformación digital está de moda. Es la última ola de la innovación. Pero la transformación digital no debe entenderse sólo como la informatización de los procesos empresariales, como se entendía hasta ahora. La transformación digital va de la absorción estratégica de nuevas tecnologías disruptivas, todas ellas de base digital (internet de las…


Facebook releases Prophet, its free forecasting tools, for Python and R

Facebook has open-sourced its Prophet forecasting tool, designed «to make it easier for experts and non-experts to make high-quality forecasts,» according to a blog post by Sean J. Taylor and Ben Letham in the company’s research team. «Forecasts are customizable in ways that are intuitive to non-experts,» they wrote. The code is available on GitHub…


The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen: It’s Zuora’s, and it’s brilliant. Here’s why. | OpenView Labs

The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen: It’s Zuora’s, and it’s brilliant. Here’s why. | OpenView Labs. #1. Name a Big, Relevant Change in the World #2. Show There’ll Be Winners and Losers #3. Tease the Promised Land #4. Introduce Features as “Magic Gifts” for Overcoming Obstacles to the Promised Land #5. Present Evidence that…


Professionalize a Startup Without Stifling It

vía Professionalize a Startup Without Stifling It – Harvard NBusiness Review   Don’t They try to codify their genius. They start recruiting like incumbents. They want to harmonize everything.   Do Translate strategy into a professionalization agenda. Let heroes walk the halls again.  Put systems in place selectively and reaffirm coaching. Recruit the “black sheep.” 


How to follow up with investors who have rejected… – Bringing transparency to seed investing…

 A “no” or non-response today isn’t forever. How to follow up with investors who have rejected… – Bringing transparency to seed investing…. When… 1) The investor doesn’t / no longer invests in your vertical / space.  2) The investor thinks you’re too early. 3) The investor doesn’t think you’re impressive. 4) The investor thinks your…
